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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Over The Nexus WC2011 (EU) Codes

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  • Voltnatrix
    When I try to change the name using the bytes you provided it instead results in a Japanese name or some weird drawing(mainly when typing these latin letters).
    Last edited by Voltnatrix; 03-30-2022, 11:32:09 AM.

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  • G3NG4R
    Yes they are encoded in ANSI. I forgot to mention that.
    But some of them won't be displayed properly, so I just listed those that were actually on the keyboard.

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  • Demonic722
    Looks like the characters are encoded in ANSI. Nice documentation. I'll add these codes in the next usrcheat update.

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  • G3NG4R
    started a topic Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Over The Nexus WC2011 (EU) Codes

    Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Over The Nexus WC2011 (EU) Codes


    currently I'm working on code hacking for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Over the Nexus.
    My goal is to find a way to inject the downloadable banlists (and maybe more, which isn't available anymore due to the Wifi server closure) into the game using Action Replay codes. But not much progress yet...

    Well, I also ported some codes that were previously just for the Japanese or US version to be used in the European version. I thought I should post them before I will loose them.

    !!! Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus (EU)
    !! BYYP F65389CF
    :: All Cards 3x (L+ R)
    94000130 FCFF0000
    12124972 00003303
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FCFF0000
    D5000000 33333333
    C0000000 00000013
    D6000000 02124974
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FCFF0000
    021249C8 00000003
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FCFF0000
    D5000000 33333333
    C0000000 000001F9
    D6000000 021249EC
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FCFF0000
    121251D8 00003333
    221251DA 00000033
    D2000000 00000000
    :: Full Cardlist (L + R)
    94000130 FCFF0000
    D5000000 01010101
    C0000000 00000029
    D6000000 021251DC
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FCFF0000
    D5000000 01010101
    C0000000 000003F5
    D6000000 021252D0
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FCFF0000
    221262AC 00000001
    D2000000 00000000
    :: All Packlists (L + R)
    94000130 FCFF0000
    02126414 FFFFFFFF
    12126418 0000FFFF
    1212641A 0000FFFF
    D0000000 00000000
    :: All Packs in Shop
    (only unlocked whilst in Shop)
    52159DF0 02158D04
    02159DC0 FFFFFFFF
    D2000000 00000000
    :: All Duellists (L + R)
    94000130 FCFF0000
    12126892 0000FFFF
    02126894 FFFFFFFF
    12126898 0000FFFF
    1212689E 0000FFFF
    121268A0 000001FF
    021268B4 3FFFFFFF
    D2000000 00000000
    :: All Tag Team Partners (L + R)
    94000130 FCFF0000
    121268C4 0000FFFF
    221268C6 000000FF
    021268C8 FFFFFFFF
    021268CC FFFFFFFF
    121268D0 0000FFFF
    D2000000 00000000
    :: All Clothes/Disks [Male] (L + R)
    (includes Leo's disk and Blue Custome disk)
    94000130 FCFF0000
    021240E8 00007FFF
    021240EC 0001FBF7
    D2000000 00000000
    :: All Clothes/Disks [Female] (L + R)
    (includes Luna's disk and Red Custome disk)
    94000130 FCFF0000
    021240E8 00007FFF
    021240EC 0001F7FB
    D2000000 00000000
    :: Change Gender to Male
    (leave Change Image menu to see changes)
    52155030 0214FE04
    22155054 00000000
    D2000000 00000000
    :: Change Gender to Female
    (leave Change Image menu to see changes)
    52155030 0214FE04
    22155054 00000001
    D2000000 00000000
    :: Change current Structure Deck in Shop (L + R)
    94000130 FCFF0000
    22127390 000000XX
    D2000000 00000000
    Replace XX with the following bytes:
    01	Dragons Roar
    02	Zombie Madness
    03	Blaze of Destruction
    04	Fury from the Deep
    05	Warrior's Triumph
    06	Spellcaster's Judgement
    07	Invincible Fortress
    08	Lord of the Storm
    09	Dinosaur's Rage
    0A	Machine Re-Volt
    0B	Surge of Radiance
    0C	Curse of Darkness
    0D	Rise of the Dragon Lords
    0E	The Dark Emperror
    0F	Zombie World
    10	Spellcaster's Command
    11	Warrior's Strike
    12	Machina Mayhem
    13	Dragunity Legion
    14	Lost Sanctuary
    15	5D's Starter Deck
    The "All Cards" and "Full Cardlist" codes are made by me. I made them because the old ones missed some cards.

    The "All Duelists" code I just added a line which seemed to was missing there.

    Also I fixed the "All Customes and Disks" code. In a previous code the glitched Leo/Luna disks were excluded.
    All "Clothes/Disks [Male]" code now includes Leo's disk and the Blue Custom disk while "All Clothes/Disks [Female]" includes Luna's disk and the Red Custom disk. Anyways, the color of the disks is determined by the players gender. The codes just tell the game which names to be used for the respective disks.

    Last but not least I have made another code to share with you (it is for both EU and US versions).
    It's a code to change the players name.
    EU version
    :: Change Player Name (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    02124078 CCBBAA02
    0212407C GGFFEEDD
    02124080 KKJJIIHH
    02124084 OONNMMLL
    02124088 SSRRQQPP
    2212408C 000000TT
    US version
    :: Change Player Name (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    0212415C CCBBAA02
    02124160 GGFFEEDD
    02124164 KKJJIIHH
    02124168 OONNMMLL
    0212416C SSRRQQPP
    22124170 000000TT
    The letters on the right side of the code (AA, BB, ... , TT) have to be replaced by the bytes for the respective characters. Fill the remaining places after the end of the name with 00. The letters are encoded in ANSI.
    The players name can contain a maximum of 20 letters. But each letter has also a specific size (see spoiler below). So e.g. you can use more "i" than "W".
    The maximum size which is allowed is 78 (summed in hex) or 120 (summed in dec).

    In the following spoiler you can find a list of all the characters that are used on the EU/US ingame keyboard.
    Spoiler Alert! Click to view...
    Char	Byte	Size (hex)	Size (dec)
    à	E0	07		7
    á	E1	07		7
    â	E2	07		7
    ä	E4	07		7
    è	E8	07		7
    é	E9	07		7
    ê	EA	07		7
    ë	EB	07		7
    ì	EC	04		4
    í	ED	04		4
    î	EE	04		4
    ï	EF	04		4
    ò	F2	07		7
    ó	F3	07		7
    ô	F4	07		7
    ö	F6	07		7
    œ	9C	0B		11
    ù	F9	07		7
    ú	FA	07		7
    û	FB	07		7
    ü	FC	07		7
    ç	E7	06		6
    ñ	F1	07		7
    ß	DF	07		7
    À	C0	08		8
    Á	C1	08		8
    Â	C2	08		8
    Ä	C4	08		8
    È	C8	08		8
    É	C9	08		8
    Ê	CA	08		8
    Ë	CB	08		8
    Ì	CC	04		4
    Í	CD	04		4
    Î	CE	04		4
    Ï	CF	04		4
    Ò	D2	09		9
    Ó	D3	09		9
    Ô	D4	09		9
    Ö	D6	09		9
    Œ	8C	0C		12
    Ù	D9	09		9
    Ú	DA	09		9
    Û	DB	09		9
    Ü	DC	09		9
    Ç	C7	09		9
    Ñ	D1	09		9
    Char	Byte	Size
    a	61	07		7
    b	62	07		7
    c	63	06		6
    d	64	07		7
    e	65	07		7
    f	66	04		4
    g	67	07		7
    h	68	07		7
    i	69	03		3
    j	6A	03		3
    k	6B	06		6
    l	6C	03		3
    m	6D	0A		10
    n	6E	07		7
    o	6F	07		7
    p	70	07		7
    q	71	07		7
    r	72	04		4
    s	73	06		6
    t	74	04		4
    u	75	07		7
    v	76	06		6
    w	77	09		9
    x	78	06		6
    y	79	06		6
    z	7A	06		6
    A	41	08		8
    B	42	08		8
    C	43	09		9
    D	44	09		9
    E	45	08		8
    F	46	07		7
    G	47	09		9
    H	48	09		9
    I	49	04		4
    J	4A	06		6
    K	4B	08		8
    L	4C	07		7
    M	4D	0A		10
    N	4E	09		9
    O	4F	09		9
    P	50	08		8
    Q	51	09		9
    R	52	09		9
    S	53	08		8
    T	54	07		7
    U	55	09		9
    V	56	08		8
    W	57	0B		11
    X	58	08		8
    Y	59	08		8
    Z	5A	07		7
    1	31	07		7
    2	32	07		7
    3	33	07		7
    4	34	07		7
    5	35	07		7
    6	36	07		7
    7	37	07		7
    8	38	07		7
    9	39	07		7
    0	30	07		7
    [Space]	20	06		6
    Char	Byte	Size
    !	21	04		4
    ?	3F	07		7
    ¡	A1	04		4
    ¿	BF	07		7
    #	23	07		7
    $	24	07		7
    %	25	0A		10
    &	26	08		8
    "	22	04		4
    '	27	03		3
    “	93	04		4
    ”	94	04		4
    ,	2C	04		4
    .	2E	04		4
    (	28	04		4
    )	29	04		4
    [	5B	04		4
    ]	5D	04		4
    {	7B	04		4
    }	7D	04		4
    +	2B	07		7
    -	2D	04		4
    ±	B1	07		7
    ×	D7	07		7
    ÷	F7	07		7
    /	2F	04		4
    \	5C	04		4
    =	3D	07		7
    <	3C	07		7
    >	3E	07		7
    *	2A	05		5
    :	3A	04		4
    ;	3B	04		4
    ^	5E	06		6
    ~	7E	07		7
    •	95	04		4
    …	85	0C		12
    _	5F	07		7
    ¢	A2	07		7
    £	A3	07		7
    ©	A9	09		9
    ®	AE	09		9
    °	B0	05		5
    Last edited by G3NG4R; 09-20-2014, 11:40:13 AM. Reason: fixed missing cards in All Cards code + added Structure Deck code