Super Mario 64 (U)
81250524 2400
Start With 99 Lives
8025501B 0063
Display BUF Part Of Debug Display
81248BE8 2400
Note: Buffer - Size of the display list buffer.
Display MEM Part Of Debug Display
8127E384 2400
Note: Memory - Current RAM usage.
Display OBJ Part Of Debug Display
812CA64C 2400
Note: Objects - Number of objects currently loaded.
Display AREA, DG, DW, DR, LISTAL, STATBG, MOVEBG And OBJ Parts Of Debug Display
812CA64C 2400
812CB0E8 1000
Area - What cell of the collision grid Mario is in.
Data Ground - Amount of floor triangle checks / such triangles in Mario's area.
Data Wall - Amount of wall triangle checks / such triangles in Mario's area.
Data Roof - Amount of ceiling triangle checks / such triangles in Mario's area.
List Area Length - Amount of triangle nodes loaded.
Static Boundraries - Amount of level triangles loaded.
Moving Boundraries - Amount of object triangles loaded.
Objects - Number of objects currently loaded.
81250524 2400
Start With 99 Lives
8025501B 0063
Display BUF Part Of Debug Display
81248BE8 2400
Note: Buffer - Size of the display list buffer.
Display MEM Part Of Debug Display
8127E384 2400
Note: Memory - Current RAM usage.
Display OBJ Part Of Debug Display
812CA64C 2400
Note: Objects - Number of objects currently loaded.
Display AREA, DG, DW, DR, LISTAL, STATBG, MOVEBG And OBJ Parts Of Debug Display
812CA64C 2400
812CB0E8 1000
Area - What cell of the collision grid Mario is in.
Data Ground - Amount of floor triangle checks / such triangles in Mario's area.
Data Wall - Amount of wall triangle checks / such triangles in Mario's area.
Data Roof - Amount of ceiling triangle checks / such triangles in Mario's area.
List Area Length - Amount of triangle nodes loaded.
Static Boundraries - Amount of level triangles loaded.
Moving Boundraries - Amount of object triangles loaded.
Objects - Number of objects currently loaded.