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nolberto82 codes

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  • Code:
    [COLOR="Green"]R-Type - GB[/COLOR]
    One Hit Kills
    Hit Anywhere


    • Code:
      [COLOR="Blue"]Killer Instinct Gold - N64[/COLOR]
      Hit Anywhere Both Players(In Project 64 if you reset the game don't do a soft reset do a hard reset or it will crash.)
      D11B717C 50C0
      811B717C 1000
      D11B717E 0038
      811B717E 004B
      D11B762C 1420
      811B762C 1000
      D11B762E 0928
      811B762E 001D
      Last edited by nolberto82; 10-21-2011, 05:28:11 PM.


      • Originally posted by nolberto82 View Post
        [COLOR="Blue"]Killer Instinct Gold - N64[/COLOR]
        Hit Anywhere Both Players(In Project 64 if you reset the game don't do a soft reset do a hard reset or it will crash.)
        D11B717C 50C0
        811B717C 1000
        D11B717E 0038
        811B717E 004B
        D11B762C 1420
        811B762C 1000
        D11B762E 0928
        811B762E 001D
        That's what I'm talking about. Very nice.
        Not taking any requests at this time.

        Bored? Watch some of my hacks here.


        • @nolberto82

          What are you using to hack the N64? I am using Nemu64 right now, and still trying to get used its interface (very foreign coming from something like FCEUX). I am following (Viper187) Snake Pit N64 ASM Hacking r4300i for the instruction set, registers, and general N64 layout. Are you referencing any documents on this system?
          Last edited by Abystus; 10-22-2011, 03:28:48 PM.
          Not taking any requests at this time.

          Bored? Watch some of my hacks here.


          • @ nolberto82: A nice tagline for you:

            "Reaching out and touching the hearts of gamers everywhere. One system at a time."

            @ Abystus: I thought the same thing. I'm surprised one was never made for KI Gold.
            Last edited by Hacc; 10-22-2011, 02:49:26 PM.


            • @Abystus: I'm using nemu64.

              @Hacc: That tagline just got me inspire.

              I know this is current generation but I'm going to post it here:

              [COLOR="Green"]New Super Mario Bros - NDS[/COLOR]
              Always Shoot Fireballs
              02100FFC E3A00001


              • Originally posted by nolberto82 View Post
                @Abystus: I'm using nemu64.

                @Hacc: That tagline just got me inspire.

                I know this is current generation but I'm going to post it here:

                [COLOR="Green"]New Super Mario Bros - NDS[/COLOR]
                Always Shoot Fireballs
                02100FFC E3A00001
                Apparently MESS supports the Nintendo 64 (this may interest you since your familiar with the debugger). I just can't seem to grasp MESS (tried it a few times now) as it is way more complicated than any other emulator I've seen to get things going . Also for some reason my version doesn't like to save the settings I specify (enable debugger, run in a window, etc) which infuriates me further... As for Nemu64 I've sorta grasped the interface, but I can't seem to get things I want to set breakpoints on to break (using addresses from the database KIG Player 1 Health "801D3484" found here). Maybe I just have the wrong address for Player 1 health, or I'm playing on another revision of the game. Just hasn't been a great day so far... Been following this guide in reference for Nemu64.
                Last edited by Abystus; 10-22-2011, 11:21:42 PM.
                Not taking any requests at this time.

                Bored? Watch some of my hacks here.


                • MESS's N64 emulation is very slow. I think you have been spoiled by FCEUX's great tools. For KIG you probably are using the European version.

                  [COLOR="Green"]New Super Mario Bros - NDS[/COLOR]
                  Fireballs Hit Anywhere(This code does 3 things one is already mention. The other 2 gets you the big star coins and powerups from anywhere.)
                  52020574 E7910100
                  02020578 EAFF8258
                  E2000EE0 00000020
                  E92D0003 E59F100C
                  E59F000C E5810000
                  E8BD0003 E12FFF1E
                  01FFDDB8 EA000C50
                  D2000000 00000000
                  E2000F00 00000054
                  E92D0002 E59F1040
                  E1500001 1A000003
                  E3560010 0A000007
                  E3560020 0A000005
                  E59F1028 E1500001
                  1A000004 E3560040
                  0A000000 EA000001
                  E8BD0002 EAFFF3C0
                  E8BD0002 E59A5060
                  EAFFF39B 021294AC
                  021B6AFC 00000000
                  D2000000 00000000
                  Invincible Against Hazards(Lava, purple water, being crushed by walls, etc.)
                  02104AF4 E3A03A05
                  02104AF8 E58030D4
                  02104B24 E3A03A05
                  02104B28 E58030D4
                  02104B40 E1A00000
                  02104B88 E1A00000
                  Still testing this. The Hit Anywhere code should work against all enemies.
                  Last edited by nolberto82; 10-24-2011, 11:09:33 PM.


                  • @nolberto82

                    Your probably right about being spoiled (sometimes I wonder why every emulator doesn't have such well designed tools). I have recently been in contact with someone writing an N64 emulator (Super64), and have suggested he follow FCEUX's interface for debug, cheat search, trace, etc... I may even be helping him along the way with design, and implementation so we may not have all that long to wait for something that's actually easy to grasp (outside of MIPS, COP, etc). In reality the tools should never make the job more difficult than it has to be, but somehow some of these cheat interface designs do just that.

                    You were correct about the revision (the rom was not marked yet again) I was using as when I checked the rom info it hit me right in the face (European), but your hit anywhere worked on the rom so I am unsure. So then I figured I would just hack the health value for that rom and continue, but once again I was thwarted by terrible interface design. The cheat search is well... very undesirable in that emulator as it does not even show the current value of the addresses it found, along with not differentiating between the first search and the next search. Hopefully things go better on my next adventure into the world of N64 debugging...
                    Last edited by Abystus; 10-24-2011, 01:45:36 AM.
                    Not taking any requests at this time.

                    Bored? Watch some of my hacks here.


                    • I agree the tools should never make it more difficult to accomplish your goals. What emulator are you using?


                      • Originally posted by nolberto82 View Post
                        MESS's N64 emulation is very slow. I think you have been spoiled by FCEUX's great tools. For KIG you probably are using the European version.

                        [COLOR=Green]New Super Mario Bros - NDS[/COLOR]
                        Fireballs Hit Anywhere(This code does 3 things one is already mention. The other 2 gets you the big star coins and powerups from anywhere.)
                        52020574 E7910100
                        02020578 EAFF8258
                        E2000EE0 00000020
                        E92D0003 E59F100C
                        E59F000C E5810000
                        E8BD0003 E12FFF1E
                        01FFDDB8 EA000C50
                        D2000000 00000000
                        E2000F00 0000004C
                        E92D0002 E59F1038
                        E1500001 0A000005
                        E59F1030 E1500001
                        0A000005 E8BD0002
                        E59A5060 EAFFF3A4
                        E3560010 1AFFFFFA
                        EA000001 E3560040
                        1AFFFFF7 E8BD0002
                        EAFFF3BF 021294AC
                        021B6AFC 00000000
                        D2000000 00000000
                        Still testing this.
                        Just passing by and this NDS code caught my attention. I never knew you hacked NDS. If you need someone to test that code, I could probably add that code to my Acekard.
                        I only bother with things that interest me.


                        • Originally posted by nolberto82 View Post
                          I agree the tools should never make it more difficult to accomplish your goals. What emulator are you using?
                          Nemu64 version 0.8

                          Maybe I've just lost my mind...

                          A few screenshots:
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Abystus; 10-24-2011, 06:30:25 PM.
                          Not taking any requests at this time.

                          Bored? Watch some of my hacks here.


                          • @Demonic: I have done some code hacking for the NDS but never released anything until now. I checking the code on my R4 right now. There are some enemies and one boss who aren't affected by it thus far.

                            @Abystus: Just by looking at the fourth picture the breakpoint should be on 801D3584 if it is the European version. Check this out.
                            Last edited by nolberto82; 10-24-2011, 08:24:37 PM.


                            • Originally posted by nolberto82 View Post
                              @Demonic: I have done some code hacking for the NDS but never released anything until now. I checking the code on my R4 right now. There are some enemies and one boss who aren't affected by it thus far.

                              @Abystus: Just by looking at the fourth picture the breakpoint should be on 801D3584 if it is the European version. Check this out.
                              I just tried with that address, and only get breaks when projectiles hit the character (only when the burning animation is on the character left over from the projectile even after the damage would have stopped). Wonder if its something to do with my OS (64 bit Win7)? When I watch that address while its breaking the value does not resemble health at all for the character. Also this address would break on any attack, would increase at the beginning on the round, etc... like a normal health address would. I've also tried the super bar, character modifier, and others with nothing but odd breaks (write checked "purple" color as shown in the original picture). I didn't think it would take this much effort to find the address, set a break, and watch what instructions are writing to it. What version of Nemu are you running? Also what does your rom info say your game version is?
                              Not taking any requests at this time.

                              Bored? Watch some of my hacks here.


                              • @Abystus: KIG is programmed that way. It constantly writes to the player's health addresses. What I did to get the right location was to attack the CPU and press go in the Command window until you get the right address.

