Bounty Sword (Japan) - Super Nintendo
Can Place Character Anywhere On The Field DD8D-5F64
Jump in Midair(A standing jump will make Samus somersault left/right depending on her direction) 49AC43F8 B03D56E3 69B81789 A52E8572 1461545F 403C83A8 157FBF50 089B3737 505B0357 E1B2B4B8 EDD3C458 ED8F6A29 DEEBD3AE 658F69F3 8A5A9B5D 127F5869 FA54BC6B B87A77EC D67F07C8 63255070 178DB5C0 7529A549 654485D1 0D2EBB53
Jump in Midair 0361F1:80 0361F2:0B Moon Jump 0361F1:80 0361F2:0B 0360F8:4B
Jump With Select Button 0135A2:04
Can Access All Stages On Map(Press A to enter a stage) 6D2A-0D9F
New Adventure Island (U) Enable Stage Select At Title Screen (RAM: 038366:00) 6366:00