request for sega T2: The Arcade Game intro skip
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nolberto82 codes
I already made one button fatalities for MKII which are already in the DB though I should add them to their own sub section. I'm working on Mortal Kombat for Genesis which I already found it but my internet connection is not working very good so I don't know when I'll be able to post it.Last edited by nolberto82; 06-09-2013, 02:53:56 PM.
Code:[COLOR="#0000FF"]Mortal Kombat (W) - GEN[/COLOR] [COLOR="#8B4513"]One Button Fatalities[/COLOR] Liu Kang Press Down ALHT-AA2L Johnny Cage Press HP or LP CWFA-AA62 Kano Press Press HP or LP B4DT-AA9A Sonya Press Block ALKT-AA6C Sub Zero Press HP or LP B4PT-AA32 Raiden Press HP or LP DLXT-AA26 Scorpion Press Up DCNT-AA2Y
Code:[COLOR="#008000"]Mortal Kombat - GB[/COLOR] [One Button Fatalities] Sonya(Press Back. Close but not close to opponent) FF8-C9C-E6A Rayden(Press Back) FF8-79C-E6A Kano(Press Down) FF8-89C-E6A Liu Kang(Press Foward) FF8-99C-E6A Scorpion(Press Forward. Halfway distance.) FF8-AAC-E6E Sub Zero(Press Forward) FF8-B9C-E6A Infinite Fatality Time C3A-11F-E61
Originally posted by nolberto82 View PostCode:[COLOR="#0000FF"]Mortal Kombat (W) - GEN[/COLOR] [COLOR="#8B4513"]One Button Fatalities[/COLOR]
Last edited by lee4; 06-13-2013, 02:46:35 AM.lee4 Does Not Accept Codes Requests !
When lee4 asks a question it does not mean lee4 will look at your game
*How to create and use SegaCD codes >click here<*
Code:[COLOR="#008000"]Mortal Kombat II - GB[/COLOR] [One Button Fatalities] Jax Stage Fatality(Press B) FF8-40A-A2A FE8-3FA-C48 Jax Fatality(Press A) FF8-46A-E68 FF8-45A-A28 Mileena Stage Fatality(Press B) FF8-0EA-A2A Mileena Fatality(Press A) FF8-00A-A2A FF7-FFA-C48 Reptile Stage Fatality(Press Start) FF7-94A-A2A Reptile Fatality(Press B) FF7-78A-A2A FF7-77A-C48 Kitana Stage Fatality(Press B) FF7-5AA-6EA FE7-59A-E69 Kitana Fatality(Press A) FF7-60A-C4A Liu Kang Stage Fatality(Press B) FF6-F0A-A2A FE6-EFA-C48 Liu Kang Fatality(Press A) FF7-0CA-A2A FF7-0BA-191 Sub Zero Stage Fatality(Press Start) FF7-3CA-A2A Sub Zero Fatality(Press A. This must be done first...) FF7-23A-A28 FF7-24A-6EA Sub Zero Fatality(Press B. followed by this.) FD7-1DA-C48 FF7-1EA-A2A Shang Tsung Stage Fatality(Press A) FE7-C4A-E69 FF7-C5A-A2A Shang Tsung Fatality(Press B) FF7-A3A-C48 FF7-A4A-6EA Scorpion Stage Fatality(Press Start) FF8-30A-A2A Scorpion Fatality(Press B) FF8-1DA-C48 FF8-1EA-6EA Infinite Fatality Time 180-ACE-6EA 180-8EE-6EA
are you using mess?lee4 Does Not Accept Codes Requests !
When lee4 asks a question it does not mean lee4 will look at your game
*How to create and use SegaCD codes >click here<*
mess seem to have problems in all cd based system always hang durning seeking cd.lee4 Does Not Accept Codes Requests !
When lee4 asks a question it does not mean lee4 will look at your game
*How to create and use SegaCD codes >click here<*