Mega Man Start with all weapons FFC-0FF-E6E 57C-13F-5D4
Mega Man Start with all weapons FF8-6BF-E6E 578-6FF-5D4
Mega Man Jump to climb down (can climb through the bottom of the stage and wind back at the top) 050-07E-E6E 002-BEE-6EA High jump 040-02E-E66 Higher jump 050-02E-E66 Mega jump 070-02E-E66 Super jump 090-02E-E66 Ultra jump 0D0-02E-E66
Mega Man Start with all weapons (To enter the four later stages, enter the password "P." and then activate the code otherwise you will get stuck at "completed" levels. There are also graphical issues with the life bar.) FFC-55F-808 22C-5CF-5D4
Mega Man Stand in mid-air at jump heigh until code is switched off (can slide in mid-air as well) C99-ED9-19A Jump as high as you want 006-899-3BE High jump 0E6-6F9-C42 Higher jump 106-6F9-C42 Mega jump 186-6F9-C42 Super jump 246-6F9-C42 Ultra jump 326-6F9-C42
Start with all weapons FFB-45F-E6E 57B-49F-5D4
Mega Man Title screen music modifier 11D-18E-4C2 ??0-BAB-3B3
Enable unused Super Game Boy SOUND functions 2F8-D3F-B36 Capcom was tinkering with the idea to use Super Game Boy sound effects. Located at 0x3D0F4 is a single Super Game Boy SOUND command that loads during startup. Because the first two bytes are set to 80 the sound is muted; the third byte which controls the pitch/volume command is set to 22. There are two identical unused SOUND tables located at 0x3CFE0, 413B7 (US version). There is an unused sound mode that can be activated. This mode will cause three effects: SOUND commands will load twice upon booting. SOUND command 41800000 will load when entering the title screen without music (must choose password first or the game will freeze) SOUND command 41808022 will load when entering the title screen from the password screen. C980000100020303030403050306030703080209020A020B020C010D01 0E010F0310031100120013001401150116021703180319001A001B021C 0123022401250126032700280029012A002B032C002D032E002F003002 80000102020203020401050106010702080009000A000B000C030D020E 030F031001110012011302140015031602170018001900
Mega Man - Dr. Wily's Revenge Jump maximum height; hold A at start of jump to control ascent rate C9D-019-800 Jump as high as you want 00B-2B9-3BE High jump 0EB-169-C42 Higher jump 10B-169-C42 Mega jump 18B-169-C42 Super jump 24B-169-C42 Ultra jump 32B-169-C42
Superman Enemies are blind 288-4D9-3B2 Enemies and obstacles do not interact with Superman (Some enemies drop keys that are needed to complete the level) C90-16A-191
Superman No enemies obstacles or keys (turn on after starting level or the game will freeze with blank screen. Might be necessary to turn off before encountering boss. Also need keys to complete levels, so use 'No need to collect keys' code) C8D-B4E-5D4 No need to collect keys (end of level transition or death will take a little time to proceed) 576-57E-5D4
Superman Infinite health 005-97C-F72 C91-4BA-3BE C93-B1A-3BE All enemies and bosses die in 1 hit 221-E6A-3BE
Mickey Mouse: Magic Wand Jump as high as you want with slow descent 00B-AED-19A Skip intro screen EA7-29D-D5D Skip intro wait 01A-688-6EB Title screen music modifier ??A-708-F76 Start in test stage ??6-70B-E62 00 - Test Stage 1 01 - Test Stage 2 0D - Test Stage 3 19 - Test Stage 4 Unused palette 1 replaces first stage theme 7DE-67B-F74 + 2AE-68B-D53 Unused palette 2 replaces first stage theme 8DE-67B-F74 + 2AE-68B-D53 Both palettes were meant for the copyright screen but the black and white can only actually be seen
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