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nensondubois' codes

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  • nensondubois
    More old codes and one new one for better or worse.

    Hexcite  The Shapes of Victory.gbc
    Select OFF Music to play selected song
    Unused songs:
    Unused Song 1 - 02
    Unused Song 2 - 0C
    Unused Song 3 - 12
    Unused Song 4 - 13
    Play any sound effect to play unused song (old version)
    Start in GBC-only RGB test (Press Left and Right to set values. Press A to return to the Ubisoft logo. This screen will not display if accessed using a Game Boy nor a Super Game Boy.)
    Select menu for Practice Mode Debug
    (This debug menu allows you to create custom pieces for practice problems. There is only one test menu, despite being numbered. ROM text also exists and is located at 1D185, 1D20F. Piece placement is impossible if accessed using a Game Boy or Super Game Boy for some unknown reason. Maybe the extra GBC RAM is needed to store custom piece mapping. Creates a custom board. Press A to exit the board and return to the menu. Starting any game will play using the selected mode's settings so you can start a custom game in addition to setting up a puzzle.
    Setup will take you to a menu where you can select options for creating a custom problem.
    Enters an empty board where you can set pieces for a custom problem.
    Sets the starting amount of pieces you have for a custom problem.
    Takes you to a menu where you can test the board. This is likely how far the developers completed the function because you can't place any pieces on the board. Settings for COM or Player will allow you to choose either playing side. Score settings determine scores for both players; 200 is the maximum. Pause disables the ability to pause if set to off. Oner decides which side plays first.)
    Select menu for INIT Save
    (This menu allows you to format the SRAM present on the cartridge. Select YES to delete all saved data. NO will reset to the Ubisoft logo and save data will not be lost.)
    Select menu for Data Error
    (This menu will display a save error screen upon entering the main menu. Warning! Entering this screen will format all saved data.)
    Load unused Super Game Boy border unused graphics
    ??5-CAF-A2B (There are placeholder tiles for the Super Game Boy border comprising the last six tiles, right before one used tile. 51, 5F will load these tiles, causing the least amount of injury possible to the border. 
    Replace Super Game Boy PAL_TRN with unused PAL_SET command
    (This sets the system palette directly rather than issuing standard PAL system commands. There is noticeable display effect difference between using either palette method.)

    Last edited by nensondubois; 03-25-2016, 04:14:27 PM.

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  • nensondubois
    Balloon Fight
    Enemies never blow up balloons
    Enemies take a really long time to blow up balloons
    Instantly clear all normal phases

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  • nensondubois
    Hot Wheels - Stunt Track Driver.gbc
    Enable Unused Super Game Boy 2 Link Support
    Display Unused Super Game Boy Link Error Message
    0102DDC7 (There is unused text located at 0x0C076A that would tell the player that the link multiplayer is not supported if they would attempt to select the TWO PLAYER mode from the main menu, however the game was never programmed to display said text even if the disabled menu is bypassed. In order to display this message, the menu must be enabled via Game Genie code 00B-84F-E6E, then while you're at the main menu, enter the Gameshark code 0102DDC7. The message will appear upon selecting TWO PLAYER mode. Located at 0x0C0BB6 is additional unused Super Game Boy link text "SGB GAME LINK FAIL")
    Last edited by nensondubois; 03-25-2016, 04:11:39 PM.

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  • nensondubois
    Game & Watch Gallery
    Changes the Wave Pattern 5
    Last edited by nensondubois; 03-25-2016, 04:10:53 PM.

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  • nensondubois
    Some more old codes:

    Marble Madness.gbc
    Access Lost 2 Player Mode (Marble Madness has an unfinished two-player mode. The red marble was fully programmed and behaves the same as the blue marble. Game Genie code 0D0-348-C4A will load the two-player link screen directly after the Midway logo starting a race. The game will return to the main menu If an error occurs with the link connection for either player. There are a few things worth noting about the unfinished two-player mode:
        Player 2 (Red) has a blue timer.
        After player 2 completes a race, the goal will be blue.
        The second player will not be able to enter their score.
        When either player runs out of time, they will be booted to the main menu and the race will continue for the other player. Both players have to press start to advance to the game at startup otherwise it will proceed as normal. Codebreaker cheat devices are required for both players and it can take some trickery to work as the link cable has timing errors depending on the cable used.)
    Access 2 Player Placeholder Link Screen ( Neither linked Game Boys will communicate. The reset game function works as intended when select button is pressed.)
    Unused Demo Message 1
    Unused Demo Message 2

    Last edited by nensondubois; 03-25-2016, 04:07:51 PM.

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  • nensondubois
    Lost World Jurassic
    Universal Music Modifier
    01 - Level Theme 1 (Labs)
    02 - Level Theme 2 (Caves)
    03 - Level Theme 3 (Jungle)
    05 - Unused Jingle (Possibly was intended for Game Over screen)
    06 - Level Theme 4 (Leaving Island)
    07 - Ending
    Last edited by nensondubois; 03-25-2016, 04:25:20 PM.

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  • nensondubois
    Lost World Jurassic
    Access unused cutscenes by pressing Up in cutscene viewer
    14 - Ending
    18 - Unused 2
    Last edited by nensondubois; 03-25-2016, 04:24:57 PM. Reason: 15 is not unused; it is the stegosaurus death cutscene

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  • nensondubois
    Super Mario Bros. 2/Super Mario USA

    Can enter first door in 1-1 (The game simply sends you back to the entry point from where the game initially places you because there is no valid warp pointer. Instead of outright hanging the game indefinitely, this is what happens if you were to enter the very first door in the game.)
    Mystery solved for those who always wondered where that door leads. I know I did.

    Last edited by nensondubois; 03-25-2016, 04:23:58 PM.

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  • nensondubois
    Super Game Boy 2 (not tested with Super Game Boy 1 BIOS revisions. The code doesn't work with the Game Genie though it should. Need to figure out why it only works with my PAR MK3 cartridge. Also need to find my notes on this because there are a few glitches with the unfinished OBJ_TRN mode such as the menus only showing once you hold down B or make a selection. Games do not send CHR and display currently loaded SNES VRAM on the screen.
    Enable SNES OBJ_TRN mode
    Game Genie
    Last edited by nensondubois; 06-21-2016, 11:48:36 PM. Reason: VIDEO FINALLY!

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  • nensondubois
    Load region incompatibility message.

    Game Genie
    This message is displayed in the first Japanese revision of the Super Game Boy BIOS when attempting to play the cartridge in a PAL SNES console.
    All later Super Game Boy 1 and 2 BIOS revisions at this region error screen. Nintendo probably came to their senses and scrapped regional incompatibility since the Game Boy is regionally compatible with any game. Nintendo also never bothered updating the screen for the Super Game Boy 2 using the rainbow font.
    Text for the message can also be found at 0x3F98A
    I actually have a really interesting idea for this code.

    Last edited by nensondubois; 03-25-2016, 04:22:58 PM.

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  • nensondubois
    Universal enable all menu options for all games 
    (Switch off the effects after you've entered the menu, allowing you to make any changes including setting the controller scheme for the entirety of your sitting.
    This has been tested and works if using an unaltered Game Genie aside from cutting the tabs to allow the Super Game Boy to fit.
    Untested but Should work if using the original Super Game Boy BIOS cartridge revisions. Games will still swap palettes back if they change.)
    Let me know if this code does not work for the Super Game Boy 1.
    Last edited by nensondubois; 01-30-2016, 10:01:29 PM. Reason: Better description

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  • nensondubois
    I'm thinking about rewriting the entire game engine for GB Toy Story. In the meanwhile here is a few codes that help make the game barely playable.

    Music Modifier
    00 - Strange Things
    02 - You've got a Friend in Me
    04 - Playtime
    Storyline music modifier
    00 - Strange Things
    02 - You've got a Friend in Me
    04 - Playtime
    Based on Mark Ortiz's source files he gave me, I'm going to assume 03 would have been the Battle with Buzz song but it is absent from the ROM in both GB and SGB forms. He never explained why it was never included. He never answered how he got the music used in the console versions since the GB and SGB modes obviously used them when porting.
    Improve jumping (the jumping physics in this game are terrible. This makes the initial ground jump easier to pull off and slightly less clunky)
    Skip intro screens

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  • nensondubois
    Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru (For the Frog the Bell Tolls)
    Press Start at Title Screen/File Select to change music

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  • nensondubois
    Super Mario Bros. 2
    Subspace looks normal (There is a graphical oddity you will notice. Nintendo didn't swap all of the tiles.)
    Entering Suspace will drop you into a strange new world (Can get stuck in certain parts of the level upon entering Suspace. Does not affect all parts of the level upon entering Subspace and will remain normal with normal level palette)
    Entering Suspace will drop you into a strange new world (Alternate) (Can get stuck in certain parts of the level upon entering Suspace. Does not affect all parts of the level upon entering Subspace and will remain normal with normal level palette)

    Last edited by nensondubois; 03-25-2016, 04:21:15 PM.

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  • nensondubois
    Harvest Moon 3.gbc
    Enable unused SGB functions
    I could have sworn there was an unused palette. I might have to dig into some older notes, if I can find them. If not, I'll have to spend the time at a later date and look into the ROM again. I love setbacks.

    EDIT: Can't even find it in my notes. Weird. I guess I'm thinking of a different game. I can't remember everything I found so this is going to take a very long time to post everything, along with not having a lot of time and new codes on the horizon constantly whenever I think of something that I want to look for in a game.
    Last edited by nensondubois; 01-21-2016, 12:58:24 AM.

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