Pokemon Crystal USA, Europe Skip intro screens 002-0F9-08E 022-149-08E Main menu music modifier ??A-F2A-B3B
Pokemon Silver (USA, Europe) Skip intro screens 002-469-08E 012-4E9-08E Main menu music modifier ??A-57A-B3B Pokemon Gold (USA, Europe) Skip intro screens 002-459-08E 012-4D9-08E Main menu music modifier ??A-57A-B3B
Arcade Classics 2 - Millipede/Centipede Centipede Millipede Menu music modifier ??0-0AB-801 ??0-0BB-6EF 5A 50 - Millipede 7E 59 - Millipede high Score Theme A2 5F - Unknown 5A 60 - Unknwon 2 04 61 - Millipede Game Start DA 61 - Centipede Millipede Menu (unused) A0 6D - Centipede (unused) 08 77 - Centipede High Score Theme (unused) 9F 7C - Centipede Extra Life (unused) 70 7D - Centipede Level Complete 41 7E - Centipede Game Over Centipede (USA).gb (The USA, Europe version has a lot of changes and is a smaller rom size completey removing Milipede and the menus.) Start at Game Select Menu instead of Centipede (missing graphic pointers) CD2-4AF-E65 ED2-4BF-803 052-4CF-E62 Start at Millipede instead of Centipede CD2-4AF-E65 ED2-4BF-803 Enable unused Super Game Boy functions 031-46F-E6A Millipede music modifier ??0-00B-803 ??0-01B-A2B 5A 50 - Millipede 7E 59 - Millipede high Score Theme A2 5F - Unknown 5A 60 - Unknwon 2 04 61 - Millipede Game Start DA 61 - Centipede Millipede Menu (unused) A0 6D - Centipede (unused) 08 77 - Centipede High Score Theme (unused) 9F 7C - Centipede Extra Life (unused) 70 7D - Centipede Level Complete 41 7E - Centipede Game Over
Pokemon Crystal (USA, Europe) Make Game Boy compatible (there are numerous issues but you can still access the menus, watch the intros and listen to music (with the main menu music modifier), see the unused Super Game Boy palettes and start a new game. FA5-B9B-6EE Enable unused super Game Boy functions 031-46F-E6A
Dr Mario.nes Game Select music modifier Congratulations 1 PESPKPYA Chill ZESPKPYA Fever GESPKPYA Game Over IESPKPYA Title Screen TESPKPYA Congratulations 2 AESPKPYE Chill Win PESPKPYE Fever Win ZESPKPYE 2 Player Win LESPKPYE Congratulations 3 GESPKPYE Congratulations 4 IESPKPYE DPCM triangle Volume controller TESPKPYE Earthbound Mother.nes Title Screen/File Select music modifier 9D8A:??:16 (29D9A:??:16)
Space Invaders (USA, Europe).sgb Force Super Game Boy mode in Game Boy mode (Useful if you want to play the game in different modes, watch the game transfer data to the SNES, or want to see borders transfer as well.) 03F-41F-E62 Force Game Boy mode in Super Game Boy mode (Might need to disable Super Game Boy palettes in emulators. The game interestingly loads blank palette commands as if this was intentionally added if the game was somehow forced to play in this fashion, or if the game encountered an invalid area and this is a form of error-handling.) F0F-42F-6E9
Ice Climber Hammer has no affect VEKSILEZ
Super Mario Bros 2.nes/Super Mario USA.nes Slot machine is faster than usual ZEVTNZGA Slot machine is much faster than usual PEVTNZGA Slot machine is slightly slower than usual IEVTNZGE Slot machine is slower than usual ZOVTNZGA Slot machine is much slower than usual AXVTNZGE Slot machine is even more slower than usual ZUVTNZGA Slot machine is absurdly slower than usual GVVTNZGA Slot machine is extremely slow EOVTNZGA Slot machine is as slow as possible NNVTNZGE
Ice Climber Start mountain with invincibility LTVGIXZS All Mountains appear uniform 1D07:04:05 Partially Skip Mountain Intro AESGZLAY Skip Mountain Intro PEXGIGIA Skip No Bonus Screen PASSZYLA No Hammer EUXILOOG You die when you swing your hammer YANSIAPA Enemies don't kill you when you touch them (Alternate invincibility; can pick up bonus vegetables) PAKIYGYA Bonus Item select C19C:09:00
Mogura (Mole) de Pon Seizure Mode 052-24F-081 Title Screen Music Modifier ??2-15E-E6E Song values range from 00-08 Sound Effect values range from 81-89 Mode Select Music/Sound Effect Modifier ??3-22E-E62 Song values range from 00-08 Sound Effect values range from 81-89 Normal Game Music/Sound Effect Modifier ??5-96E-E66 Song values range from 00-08 Sound Effect values range from 81-89 Challenge Game Music/Sound Effect Modifier ??C-40E-E66 Song values range from 00-08 Sound Effect values range from 81-89 Timer does not go down in Normal Game (Switch off to proceed) 00F-85F-4C1 Start with 0 seconds in Normal Game EAE-FDF-D52 Start with 5 Seconds in Normal Game 09E-FBF-4C2 Start with 64 Seconds in Normal Game 0FE-F6F-E68 Start With 5 Moles hit in Normal Game 005-18E-807 Start With 78 Moles hit in Normal Game 075-16E-5D4 Hit a Mole and your score maxes out to 99 in Normal Game 005-B7E-5D4 For every Mole you hit your score goes up by 2 in Normal Game 025-AEE-E6E For every Mole you hit your score goes up by 5 in Normal Game 055-AEE-E6E For every Mole you hit your score goes up by 10 in Normal Game 0A5-AEE-E6E Instantly Complete Challenge Game Round 02C-8CE-803 Infinite Time in Challenge Game 04C-4DE-D56 Infinite Time In Challenge game 01000EC3 Moles Left in Challenge Game 01??5AC3
Ice Climber Mountain 1 section 2 is left moving conveyer belt AXETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is right moving conveyer belt AUETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is fast left moving conveyer belt IXETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is fast right moving conveyer belt IUETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is cloud with right moving conveyer belt ANETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is cloud with fast right moving conveyer belt INETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is cloud with left moving conveyer belt IVETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is cloud with fast left moving conveyer belt AVETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is normal speed moving left large cloud XXETZLAE Mountain 1 section 2 is slow moving left large cloud EXETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is fast moving left large cloud SXETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is normal speed moving right large cloud XUETZLAE Mountain 1 section 2 is slow moving right large cloud EUETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is fast moving right large cloud SUETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is normal speed moving left small cloud EKETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is slow moving left large cloud XKETZLAE Mountain 1 section 2 is fast moving left small cloud SKETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is normal speed moving right small cloud SSETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is slow moving right small cloud ESETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is fast moving right small cloud XSETZLAE Mountain 1 section 2 is normal speed moving left double cloud XVETZLAE Mountain 1 section 2 is slow moving left double cloud EVETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is fast moving left double cloud SVETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is normal speed moving right double cloud XNETZLAE Mountain 1 section 2 is slow moving right double cloud ENETZLAA Mountain 1 section 2 is fast moving right double cloud SNETZLAA Mountain 1 sections are located at 0x2392-239A (E392-E39A)