Castlevania 3 - Dracula's Curse DPCM Pop Reducer SLUAOOSE Akumajou Densetsu DPCM Pop Reducer SLKAEOSE
Contra DPCM Pop Reducer SUKAKESE
Castlevania 3 - Dracula's Curse DPCM Pop Reducer SLUAOOSE Akumajou Densetsu DPCM Pop Reducer SLKAEOSE
Contra DPCM Pop Reducer SUKAKESE
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - The Arcade Game DPCM Pop Reducer SUOELSSE Turtle Select Music Modifier 92EB:6A:??
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Start on Stage 2 AGNKITTK PANKLTLA Start on Stage 3 (You will start at the original spawn point.) AGNKITTK ZANKLTLA Start on Stage 4 AGNKITTK Start on Stage 5 AGNKITTK GANKLTLA Start on Stage 6 AGNKITTK IANKLTLA
Donkey Kong Classics Donkey Kong Can Fall off Platforms AUSPTSOZ AAXOYIYZ
Badies float to the top of the screen and remain stationary (need to use POW block to flip them vulnerable; or use run into badies to kill them code.) GPOIVPLA No Top Score ETUSZEZK Platforms are above the POW block to the left and right cliffs UOUTGAGZ UOXVLAGZ Platform type Ice are above the POW block to the left and right cliffs UVUTGAGX SVXVLAGX POW Blocks are above the POW block to the left and right cliffs (using either will diminish the supply unless using "POW block does not shrink" code) XNUTGAGX XNXVLAGX
Mario Bros. Badies and Coins Spawn as fast as possible AAESXLLA Badies and Coins Spawn faster than usual ZAESXLLA Badies and Coins Spawn even faster than usual ZAESXLLA Badies and Coins Spawn slower than usual PAESXLLE Badies and Coins Spawn even slower than usual PAESXLLE Badies and Coins Spawn much slower than usual LPESXLLA Badies and Coins Spawn absurdly slower than usual ZLESXLLA Skip Into Wait AEVILUAP
Mario Bros.nes Baddies are always Angry AAOGGYTZ No need to collect badies (coins will not appear from pipes) ATEGLYAG
Donkey Kong.nes Controllable Jump AEKKEVIA
Wayne's World.sfc title Screen Music Modifier (Can be used with previous code to only playback audio) 808129??
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