Urban Champion Greyscale VGXSZASZ
A button single fire only works ALUVNGSL B button turbo only works VIKVSKSO A and B buttons function as tubro SLNVNKSO The game plays by itself! ESNVATSP The game plays by itself! (more aggressively) AUNVATSP No starting invincibility (affects both players) XVUVGTVS Infinite starting invincibility (Can fly but there is no proper animation set for flying while invincible. Affects both players) ETUVSGSP SOUVGTVI Starting invincibility lasts longer than usual (Can fly but there is no proper animation set for flying while invincible. Affects both players) SLUVSGSP Popping an enemy balloon does not cause you to bounce away ALSNTPIT Popping an enemy balloon does not cause you to bounce away (alt) EGVYAPSA Popping an enemy balloon causes you to bounce stronger (also affects hitting the top of the screen and bottom of platforms) VGVYAPSA
Balloon Fight Traction is double XVNTNESO Stars Keep moving while paused and during the demo EZEILTSZ Play Game "D" (One or two players) Pop the enmy balloon while collecting balloons and avoiding a few invisible 'bumpers', which will earn the player points or cause damage. You win after all the balloons. You can't die but you lose bonus points for however many balloons you fail to pop during that phase. LAENZZAA 2-Player Balloon Trip AKSNPPPG (when both players die the game ends. See who can survive the longest.) 2-Player Balloon Trip (Alternate) PGEYZZAG (when both players die the game ends. Player 2 starts at the upper left corner)
Tetris, Nintendo (NES) Play unfinished 2-Player mode (Long version with demo) VLNTGZPO AANTIZAG ZANTZZAA Play unfinished 2-Player mode (Short version without demo) VUKEILXX Music continues playing while paused AEXXLLIA Changes the instruments XLVVYNYO More time to decide the first tetrimino ENEAKPAP Blocks Never Drop (Press Down to descend) XVEAXPSK The current and next tetriminos use incorrect CHR setting 1 AEEASALA The screen uses incorrect CHR setting 1 AEEEXALA The current and next tetriminos use incorrect CHR setting 2 PEEASALA The screen uses incorrect CHR setting 2 PEEEXALA The current and next tetriminos use incorrect CHR setting 3 ZEEASALA The screen uses incorrect CHR setting 3 ZEEEXALA Sepia LYVXEXTO Greyscale YPVXEXTO Dusk AYVXEXTO Set Unused Title Screen music to play everywhere; including all non-FF silence tracks. PAKVLZAA SYSTAXKP XTEPNVSE Set A-TYPE (Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy; Toreador Song) Critical music to play everywhere; including all non-FF silence tracks. TAKVLZAA SYSTAXKP XTEPNVSE Set B-TYPE Critical music to play everywhere; including all non-FF silence tracks. YAKVLZAA SYSTAXKP XTEPNVSE Set C-TYPE Critical music to play everywhere; including all non-FF silence tracks. AAKVLZAE SYSTAXKP XTEPNVSE Set Naming music to play everywhere; including all non-FF silence tracks. PAKVLZAE SYSTAXKP XTEPNVSE Set Congratulations screen (The March of the Toreadors) music to play everywhere; including all non-FF silence tracks. ZAKVLZAE SYSTAXKP XTEPNVSE Set B-TYPE SUCCESS! screen music to play everywhere; including all non-FF silence tracks. SYSTAXKP XTEPNVSE LAKVLZAE
Tetris, Nintendo.nes Current Tetrimino palette setting 1 AAVEEZZA Current Tetrimino palette setting 2 PAVEEZZA Current Tetrimino palette setting 3 LAVEEZZA Can't see current or next Tetrimino PEEENAAA Can't see next Tetrimino ALUESKOG Displays number of pieces that comprise the current Tetrimino (05) IAKEEZGA Enables height in A-TYPE (if using this code only, you must set the height in the B-TYPE menu first and it will set the structure in an A-TYPE game.) OXSEGYSX Enable height menu selection in A-TYPE OXEAPISX OZKAAISX Displays height in-game OZOAGTSX A-TYPE display in-game ZAUEIVLE Shows full height B-TYPE menu in A-TYPE selection OZEZGASX
Tetris, Nintendo Single line counts as a Tetris LEOONGAA Seizure mode EKUVPATA Shows the games' RNG algorithm as blocks constantly being regenerated ESUAAYSL Tetrimino scrolls across the screen fast from the left side of the screen and are placed normally KGEEXZSX Tetrimino scrolls across the screen really fast from the left side of the screen and are placed normally APEEXZSZ Tetriminos fall in a very confusing manner and are placed normally EIEEXZSZ Tetriminos are offset to the left and will set into the structure where it is internally placed OZOAUZSX Start game to set score with a score of 070000 level 00 ENUAPYAG Start game to set score with a random score of 0?0000 level 00 SEUAPYAG Start game to set score with an impossible score of E02900 level 00 KKUAPYAK
Tetris, Nintendo Infinite time to decide first piece EKEEOPVT
Balloon Fight Birds blow up balloons quicker and in midair (graphical glitches since the game loads an invalid animation set) SZKTNZSL Crazy Bird animation when blowing up balloons ALXVSXPP Better control VIUVXXVN ZEKVOAGA Better control (Balloon Trip) VIUVXXVN Can't see the bottom most stage ZESSGGAA All players and enemies go through all obstacles Platforms VKEILGIT SUUIALAX All players and enemies go through the phase-specific platforms (not the standing spawn platforms. There is an invisible platform directly where the fish can grab and eat the entity that landed.) AUKIILSA A giant unpassable box in the middle of all phases EUKSGLSA
Balloon Fight Player 1 palette (primary) ZLKIPGTP player 1 palette (secondary) ALKIZGZP Player 2 palette (primary) YZKIIGZP Player 2 palette (secondary) YAKIYGYU Water looks like toxic waste (shares same palette as player 2 HUD) ZZUSZGZE AZUSLGPX The Sky is white ALKIAKYA The Sky is purple LGKIAKYA The Sky is merlot GAKIAKYA The Sky is brown-red IAKIAKYA The sky is blue PPKIAKYA
Game plays by itself PEVGULAA Players never start fighting TEKIZXXK No backgrounds ALSIIEZL Round starts immediately AAKSZPAG No Stamina or Time display XTKGUIEN Graphics code PPKGETAA Player 2 controls player 1 OGNVPGSX Walk up to CPU opponent to easily win round (counts as punching him down the sewer) ZEKTPKYP