Bust-A-Move 3 Bubble placement guide marker is always active 225-DDD-193
Load Unused Super Game Boy PAL_TRN and PAL_SET routine. 032-12F-D5A Here's another game everyone should bypass. Game Genie code 032-12F-D5A will load the unused palette instead of the border, so loading the border first, then turning the code on will display both the unused palette and the border. This same code also loads the unused palette in Wetrix GB and Quest: Fantasy Challenge, so this is likely a sample palette used in the Super Game Boy SDK dev-kit demo.
Unused Sound Effect 01 08 Replace Pill Rotation Sound AASAETIE AAUEXTIE Unused Sound Effect 02 0A Replace Pill Rotation Sound ZASAETIE ZAUEXTIE Unused Sound Effect 03 0B Replace Pill Rotation Sound LASAETIE LAUEXTIE
Companion select (Must join companion to gain selected companion) 01??71A0 01 - Rick 02 - Kine 03 - Coo
Super Game Boy SOUND continues to play through all levels and areas 00A-DF8-E6F Thunder SOUND, etc will continue to play upon entering levels instead of stopping.
Load Border 1 Unused Placeholder Tiles ??8-B3F-A2B (55 or 60) Load Border 2 Unused Placeholder Tiles ??8-F5F-2AB (55 or 60) Always Load Border 1 C98-E7F-915 Always Load Border 2 DF8-D2F-C4D
Start on level (A and B games will represent the same levels selected achieving the same progress outcome) 3E7-AFE-7F1 ??7-B0E-3B5 ?0 ?-1 A ?5 - Unused ?-6 level card screen (no level data) ?6 - Unused ?-6 level card screen (no level data) ?7 - Boss Battles A
Press Start at logos to see ending 080-88B-F72 Press Start at logos to see test cutscene 090-88B-F72 Skip intro screens (Game Boy) EA8-B3B-D5D EA7-D2B-D5D EA0-89B-D5D Skip intro screens (Super Game Boy) EA8-51B-D5D EA8-B0B-D5D EA7-D2B-D5D EA0-89B-D5D Multi-Jump 00A-F6B-F72 By using the Game Genie code 00A-F6B-F72 to multi-jump it is possible to reach Pinky & The Brain's contraption in Bungle in the Jungle. Physics for the structure are partially implemented as you can only stand on the lower and upper sides by multi-jumping onto them. Don't worry, Pinky & the Brain are both completely harmless and are invincible themselves! Exit by multi-jumping back out. It is impossible to interact with Pinky & The Brain. I guess the developers were testing something otherwise there wouldn't be any physics associated nor programmed into the structure that was partially implemented. Seriously, were you ever wondering about this? I Finally decided to take a look.
Level/Area Select 01??6EC1 Enable palette selection when played using a Super Game Boy 00F-C18-E6E Enable border Screensavers when played using a Super Game Boy 00F-D18-E6E