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Google sucks!

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  • Google sucks!

    They've been really nice the past couple of days to me... Most of the time when I try searching for anything involving either php or phpbb I get this:

    But, this is only when I use the search using a bookmarklet in firefox. Really damn annoying because I want to be able to search for things without having to go to the actual page... Even spoofing the referer doesn't work.

    This is just really fucking annoying...

  • #2
    Google sucks!

    Google was just down a few days ago. When it went down I thought something was wrong with my internet cause Google is my homepage. And at that time GSHI was also down for some reason. Those were the only two net sites I tried before calling net service.


    • #3
      Google sucks!

      Heh, lousy luck. Yeah, Google's back now, but apparently they're merging with AOL...that's so gay.
      I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


      • #4
        Google sucks!

        The "things being down" problem might have something to do with those damn Sober worms... They seem to be spreading around quite a bit recently. For example, I've deleted around 5000 that showed up somewhere they shouldn't be.


        • #5
          Google sucks!

          yeah the internet pisses me sometimes. althougth I'm not online as much or on google site.


          • #6
            I love google. Currently we at work are battling with our HQ ITO about keeping Google Earth Free on our computers. the ITO says we need to pay for Enterprise while we (us Peons) say the free will work fine for us.

            If there is a better search engine tell me. otherwise i will continue to use this Ginormously rich site known as Google.
            Cant stand the 32 bit and above gaming.
            Gamers for the return of 2d sprite filled games!


            • #7
              Originally posted by localwoman01 View Post
              yeah the internet pisses me sometimes.
              And I have a 56k Dialup. Internet pisses me off, too.


              • #8
                Google rocks! They where just recently IP banned along with Yahoo @ Minerals Management Service. All the offices could not access Google.
                Cant stand the 32 bit and above gaming.
                Gamers for the return of 2d sprite filled games!


                • #9
                  Google is blocked? I remember a site... Wait a second...


                  Damn, it's off now though... It's basically google, mirrored. Sort of funny, and isn't blocked.

                  But I think you have to write your search inverted... And the results are inverted too. But I'm not sure.


                  • #10
                    if ya use firefox get the Toolbar add-on and you can go to blocked sites at work and schools,or any other good working proxy.
                    Spoiler Alert! Click to view...

                    THE BAD GUY!!!!!!

