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uh sorry dood
i just dunt have times to checked that before
im sure the list was title within zero code
please corect me if that not so
ill removed which title
uh sorry dood
i just dunt have times to checked that before
im sure the list was title within zero code
please corect me if that not so
ill removed which title
olala, how come I still win you even that you have already made enough codes in order to win me?
Keep Smile + Let's be together !! + Magical Glasses + Cowabunga + Superhero + Maximum Carnage
Dammit i forgot it dood!
Yae I think its the lastday lol
Let it banished,becouse I dunt plan made any code today:P
See,this contest are screwed out dood:P
Confused rule
Randomly title
No participed
Bla bla bla bla blabsolutly worse dood!
ill tried another shot somedays
Hope it will come worse than before lol
Now broadcasting from the underground command post. Deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker. Somewhere under the brick & steel of a nondescript building. We've once again made contact w/ our leader, OSG