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Winx Club Games Comming Nov 29th 2005

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  • Winx Club Games Comming Nov 29th 2005

    Well, kind of a 'ways' off, and well no one cares but me and other girls around the world, but is somehting nice I think, too bad gotta play the waiting game though, this is somehting I wanna play 'now'.

    But The Winx Club 'games' are comming out this year (end of year ratz on that) for PS2 and GBA (what the heck, a game still being made for the GBA with all the fuss over the DS... makes me wonder, but still good, as is, I have GBA 'player' but no DS so that is all good and great, anyway.

    Games for both due out November, and at that time will for sure be wishing for some codes for them I can tell you now. :P

    Not sure links will work, but can try, and found this looking and 'ordering' the first Winx Club. DVD at CD Universe, so searching for the title 'Winx Club' also came across the news and preorder of the games comming out in Nov.

    Join the girls of the Winx Club on an interactive adventure of fantasy fas hion and magic! Welcome to the world of the Winx Club where players take o n the role of Bloom a 16 year old Earth girl who discovers she is a magic al fairy! Explore solve puzzles play mini-games and engage in magic based battles in the Winx Club universe.

    Well, sounds like a nice girl's game, so should be nice and interesting when it comes out, I just hope it is not overlooked by CodeBreaker and Action Replay when it does come out, as in overlooked, I mean well, you know, I know most code hackers are 'males' and not exactly sure anyone would buy or really hack a girl's game, but maybe CodeMaster will, he has before for Barbie games and such, so can have hope and til then just will have to wait and see.


  • #2
    Winx Club Games Comming Nov 29th 2005

    They got video of it!

    Looks pretty nice and cute, so yes for real this is a game to get err well for myself, again, I guess you MEN do not care for a rat's ass. :P WATCH the video dammit, you will see and know how nice and cute it is. ummm wonder why the site says E3 2005: WinxClub (05/17/05) - Direct feed of anime girls in skimpy outfits ....kinda like they 'wanna' turn the Winx Club into something 'hentai'. :shock: 'skimpy' outfits, well maybe, but ummm this is a girl's thing, so kinda odd to sya it like that....



    • #3
      Winx Club Games Comming Nov 29th 2005

      Yeah, I watched it. It don't really tell you much about the gameplay cause it just showed those girls walking and doing their intro.

      That is a valid point tho. I think if these girls were real they probably would have to be sluts. Cause look at how they dress. I imagine you can walk behind them and see the bottoms of their cheeks when they bend over or something.

      If not for that image the winx seem like a lighthearted franchise.


      • #4
        Winx Club Games Comming Nov 29th 2005

        :? ummmm well not sure on alot of what you said there 'really'. Sure the video did not show 'alot' as is, it is a few months til game even comes out, so I would expect the FMV from the game (PS2/PC version) they showed, but did also show a small bit of 'walking around and one fighting scene' Again they are just making the game, got a while to make all the rest of it, but so far, it looks good, I think, heck something I already want, as said, the Winx Club mess is big and getting rather big now.

        Other then that, not sure why you say they are or rather would be 'sluts' if real people, I just do not see that really, I mean Okay yeah they dress 'sorta sexy' in those outfits, have we ever seen a 'fairy' that was ugly or such? Not really other then that fat ass one in A Link To The Past Game. Plus always fairies have been in outfits like that, little tutu type outfits.

        I just do not agree with that view and opinion, what someone wears, does not tell who they are really, wether they love having sex or not, and besides these girls are just 16 to 17 years old, that not only is against the law as should be, it is rather sick alot, I'd say. I mean well 'yeah' as is and was said in chort and all else, a cartoon character, a make believe does not have an 'age' so you can make them naked and all else all you want, that is main reason 'Sailor Moon Hentai' popped up so much in 1996/1997 they even ahd a whole case against it and it was found 'Sailor Moon and crowd' cannot have an age being they are not 'real'.

        So weather or not the creator choose whatever outfits for them, still is as is, I do not think nor picture they'd ever bend over and show their ass cheeks, as is, this is mainly aimed towards smaller girls anyway, and as for the whole thing about 'being sexy' is, we see it always and have always seen it, hell I grew up with it, I grew up with Barbie and She-Ra Princess of Power, dolls and cartoons of girls who had 'skimpy' outfits, and other then that hell, had a bust that was if not a DD cup, was bigger.

        So yes sex does sale, even sadly kinda but is how the world is, to the children and us when we were children. Not the children's fault nor the ones who created the Winx Club and other stuff out there, just is the way 'society' is.

        I am just saying, really sorry, it sorta pisses me off, the Winx Club girls are not sluts, I mean I am not a slut, I dance nude for a living but that does not make me a 'slut' does it? But add that in that I also wear and like wearing sexy clothing, string bikinis at the beach and such.

        The 'skimpy' clothing remark on that video game page was made by a male, you have to know, as well, only a male would say that, nothign wrong with it, just is as society is, heck LMZ said the Winx Girls look good, and nothing at all wrong with that, but otherwise, as with alot of things, the saying goes, do not judge a book by it's cover, so the Winx may look 'slutty' but really, the cartoon and game is nothing like that, it is a nice and pure cartoon.

        Now I can just picture in the future, well in fact I KNOW it will happen as did with all other 'girl cartoons' boy's get all excited over as well. (Like Sailor Moon, That Totaly Spies and such other 'girls' cartoons, yet after they grow BIG and males start liking also, the 'thing' of hentai starts to happen.

        And well, really, hentai is okay with me, nice, not the best as is, real is always better, but I know Winx Hentai is around the corner if not already there, but really for me, I'd choose not to look at it, it would rather take soemthing 'nice' I enjoy and sorta turn it abit sour. I think.



        • #5
          Winx Club Games Comming Nov 29th 2005

          Originally posted by Amy
          Other then that, not sure why you say they are or rather would be 'sluts' if real people, I just do not see that really, I mean Okay yeah they dress 'sorta sexy' in those outfits, have we ever seen a 'fairy' that was ugly or such? Not really other then that fat ass one in A Link To The Past Game. Plus always fairies have been in outfits like that, little tutu type outfits.
          I guess I never thought of those outfits as tutu's but now that you bring it up I think you are right. Tinkerbell and that girl from the Zelda cartoon wear those. In fact Bin Laden wears them too.

