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Winx Club

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  • Winx Club

    Close Your Eyes, And Open Your Heart. Believe In Yourself, That's How It Starts, Dreams Will Come True, Just Wait And See, Cause The Magic's In You, And The Magic's In Me. We Are The Winx, We Are The Winx, Come Join The Club, We Are The Winx, We Are The Winx, We Are The Winx, Come Join The Club, We Are The Winx. Magical Flowers, Digital Powers, Spin On That Tune, The Sun And The Moon, Keep On Searching Far And Wide For The Fire Burning Deep Inside. We've Got The Style, And We've Got The Flair, Look All You Want, Just Don't Touch The Hair.
    We Are The Winx, We Are The Winx, Come Join The Club, We Are The Winx, We Are The Winx, We Are The Winx, Come Join The Club, We Are The Winx.

  • #2
    Winx Club

    this should be in anime, anyway will repost, heck what will it hurt, YES this is anime and my favorite 'cartoon' err shall be said, so shall be done.



    • #3
      Winx Club

      I assumed it was an anime. So I guess its just merchandise. Or merchandise that will become a tv show later. Like Garbage pail kids did.


      • #4
        Winx Club

        I'm sorry, but this is my birthday and all, but I'm really really drunk:

        If what you typed is at all accurate, the such thing is intentionally very addicitive, especially to influencital audiences... Which is somewhat scary, but I can say I'm drunk enough to say the characters are somewhat attractive. And that's me being a drunken male anime fan to no ends what so ever, hehe, Sorry.... [/drunk mode] Hahahahahaheheheehhekekekekeke, insert crazy laugh here...


        • #5
          Winx Club

          Originally posted by iamstillhiro1112
          I assumed it was an anime. So I guess its just merchandise. Or merchandise that will become a tv show later. Like Garbage pail kids did.
          Well, yes it is an anime, an American Anime, one of those 'Fox Kids' thing, and eyah I know I am not a 'kid' but ehh the heck with it, we love what we love, right? Anyway is an anime already going on, I mean so far, only one season, and waiting for 'fall' for Season #2 of corse. So is and was been going on well ever sense Sept 2004, so is somehting already an anime, and not just merchandise, though now the dolls and toys and books and stuff are all out, and comming out and such. I am now getting and working on getting the dolls which are ratehr cool. I mean anime dolls of an anime, so not really 'human' sized, you know, abit of a bigger ehad and eyes then should be on any 'real' person, like the little pictures in my sig, but neat anyway, as heck most dolls are like that. Other then that and all other stuff they push and have for anime, I mean you know, just like anything else, they have stickers, books, and all else. Now in a week they are releasing the first DVD of the cartoons.

          I'd rather wish it was a complete set myself, you know, but well, cannot complain, as long as they release it is all I really care about, but soon within a week or so, a DVD comes out of the cartoon, with well a few shows of it on the DVD, 4 I think, which is nto all bad for $10.00 to $12.00, but still wished it was a 'DVD set' of the first whole season. (They are doing this again like Poke'mon, of which yes I have some of from awhile back, I have the "Pikachu, I choose You" DVD title which was the first Pokemon cartoon/anime, and heck they continued those a good long time, still do as the cartoon itself is still going. Still wish it was a DVD set, as well, the math of a four show DVD vs a whole set of 22 shows (mostly 22 shows in a season these days) and that means a 4 show DVD with $10.00 sounds 'cheap' but after awhile, heh well you know, let me see. almost a full DVD set price for all the DVDs from season one as I count it. 4 shows on a DVD which means 10 bucks each DVD into 22 shows for one full season, that comes to more or less, 4X5=20 + 2 = 22 in money that would be something like $55.00 for all of it, but ehh well again as long as it comes out is really all that is needed, I'd say really, just saying DVD sets maybe better.

          Anyway back on topic really.... they do have the dolls and toys and stuff out, I am and have been working on getting them as of late. Goodness even, seems the stuff is kinda rather 'popular' as well, these dolls are getting 'rare' specialy the main one, 'Bloom'.

          The red headed girl, nice, really nice looking, I mean gosh not really seen a redheaded main character girl in a good while, if at all, so not wonder this is and kinda feels like those Sailor Moon days, when everyone went crazy over that mess dolls and such. Right now, I cannot even find a 'Bloom' doll in any store around me, so seems I shall if it has to come to it, order it online. (As I had to do even Sailor Moon herself in 1995 to get her)

          But Otherwise, as far as liking the characters, I like them all and can find all others, I went for my favorite first, Tecna.

          And strange mess how 'anime' is kinda NOT like real lfie, you know? I mean with her, Tecna, and even Sailor Mercury (hehe yeah the Sailor Moon girl named 'Amy' after all, in english anyway) I myself am not a technical 'into math and science mess, heck, I hate math and science, yet the two favorite characters of both this Winx Club and Sailor Moon even are the same 'nerds' But otherwise, makes me wonder who in the world thought that nerd girls have 'short hair' always? My hair is short, but I am not a nerd, or am I, I wonder? I mean I have a high IQ, can rememebr stuff better then most, but as far as math and number mess blahhhh.

          Next I got Flora as a doll, I like her alot also, she does not exactly have 'my look' but more so is more like me then the techy nerd girls. :P

          Flora is well, cannot spoil it, I must save this for some otehr topic I am thinking about making soon here. Flora is the nicest one of them all, it seems, the calm laid back one, and fairy of 'nature' all the flowers and plants, and what girl does not love flowers? She as you can see just looks well 'nice' she looks Hispanic, or maybe Native American even, and pink and flowers really go well with her 'look'.

          The other one is Musa, the fairy of music, ummm I'd think that this one would be the MOST popular ammong most girls and children in the US, I mean she is all about music, and can tell from her image, she does have kinda that 'look' of something like a 'Punky Brewster', and 'looks' I'd say Asian, which is nice, and no the cartoon nor anything says that Bloom is 'white' Flora is Native American or Hispanic, and Musa is Asian.... they just 'kinda' look that way, for sure each of them all are different shades in anycase anyway. (Tecna is pale kinda like I am alot, peaople say. :shock: Again with the looks, I guess I do look like a 'nerd' girl?)

          The last is Stella, the 'sun' fairy, which is well as far as who she is and what, was 'the main one' before Bloom shwoed up type of thing, after all, Sun shine, the Sun and all (Kinda like the Moon in Sailor Moon? :P ) Bloom came upon her 'fighting' one day and found she too had 'fairy powers' or well 'Winx'. :P

          Now Stella, is 'everywhere' in doll form as well is Musa, again I would bet that Musa, and in fact Stella also would be popular ammong them all, but so far within reason I know, Bloom is most popular, then Flora, then Musa, then tecna, then Stella who is everywhere, note that yeah tecna is around alot as well, but not everywhere.

          In anycase, it is out there, and while getting a doll the other day, I was looking at the toy store (Toys R Us) and well, as talked in one topic, I believe it is and was my 'other' and first Winx topic, it is summer so yes were kids at the store. I was looking through the Winx section of the store, the dolls (they have other mess, lunch boxes, back packs you know a girl's toy thing) anyway was looking at the dolls at Toys R Us, was looking through all the "Stella's" (that is all they had) and they had two different versions of her, the older oens which came out in May and ta new oens which came out in June---anyway was looking through them and a little girl came up and started looking as well, and she said "aww man they have a 'new' Stella and I gotta get another one just to get that little thing." (talking to herself more or less, but you know, even dolls that have different versions mainly same doll, but still the 'little mess' is different. One set has them with a DVD of the cartoon, not whole cartoon but a little 'preview' stuff and all the other doll mess, comb, brush, err you know, umm maybe, not sure if you all as 'males' know what is in dolls or not. and the other 'version' same doll, just a little 'buddy thing' You know like a little cat or such something like that a pet. In anycase, I am just looking myself one of each girl, not matter what version as is, the little mess does not matter, I do not 'play' with dolls no more, now I just collect and display them, and eys even those out there today, this Winx Club stuff.

          Otherwise, sorry for turning you all off now talking how this Winx Club has dolls and such, but well, I rather like it.

          With that said, take no offisive please anyone, but I wanna see you all, if I cna imagine, all you guys, in the toy store, looking for a certain doll and a little girl comes to look to and starts talking (thinking aloud) and passong parents look and so forth, Lazy talks how he feels 'strange' looking at toys, in the store, so take no offisive, ummm just wonder how that would be? If anyone would even do it. After all, as I told Lazy about same thing, heck fathers go to toy stores for their children alot. Alot of father's go in a toy store not knowing what their child wants other then 'by name' I rememebr alot of times, while little and in school, I myself sent my father on specialy errands for stuff I wanted and he must have felt the same going into a store and knowing what it is called, yet not knowing what it looks like. I mean as is, fathers and mothers do this alot. So not bad at all to look at a toy store, after all you cna always lie is someone says soemthing to you. :P "I am looking what my little girl (or boy) wants."

          Originally posted by LiquidManZero
          I'm sorry, but this is my birthday and all, but I'm really really drunk:

          If what you typed is at all accurate, the such thing is intentionally very addicitive, especially to influencital audiences... Which is somewhat scary, but I can say I'm drunk enough to say the characters are somewhat attractive. And that's me being a drunken male anime fan to no ends what so ever, hehe, Sorry.... [/drunk mode] Hahahahahaheheheehhekekekekeke, insert crazy laugh here...
          hehe well, first off, Happy Birthday, sorry took so long, and even if you will read it here, err maybe should make a late annoucment somewhere? But in anycase Happy Birthday, if you take that, as is I rememebr one birthday guy around here, RPGod I think, said no happy wishes for him, and everyone was like scared to say anything. ops: But in anycase.

          As for drunk mode, no need to worry about that, heck, I have 'dibetic' mode at times myself, gosh alot of times, where I start to well not see all things right, but as I said also in a whole other topic, drunk mode is really 'truth mode' more or less.

          That being made and said and done, atractive anime charatcers is just a staple in life, these days I think, after all, like TV and magazines (hell even the naughty magazines I even ahve been and appeared in) Atractive 'beings' is sorta what the world is all about on most cases. So I agree, and find it well natural. Now yes I admit, it is and was more easy for me, I mean with girl anime and girl cartoons, while I was growing up, and even now, no one looks at me (unless they know I am a dancer and bisexual) no one knows I look at anime and think, they look 'sexy'. Again society has alot of problems, like toys and such, and anime and sich as well.... it is like boys find women atractive, yet cannot 'look' or have dolls because they have to play war with war 'dolls' such as GI Joe and such. I mean well an action figure is a doll as well, but anyway. You can look at barbie and say she looks nice you males, but do not touch her, which is kinda stupid of society I think, but just me maybe. Look at me, I am a nut anyway, hehe I buy little girl dolls when I am 29 years old anyway, for 'myself'. and yes heck I amdit it, it is and was easy for me.... too easy maybe, I remember, I always looked at my dolls and thought they were sexy as heck always too.

          In anycase, I know no one here but me plays wih dolls, well I do not 'play' just collect nice things, but still, finding the Winx girls 'sexy' is well natural, very natural.... ummm I myself just would never say it on the 'Winx Messgae Board' err ALOT of young and innocent children as I said are into this mess and make it popular, so popular as I said, I cannot even find myself a Bloom doll yet.

          Though I may add, Wal-Mart has got some brownies points now, as is, heck, they had more Winx Dolls then Toys R Us did, alot more.



          • #6
            Winx Club

            Yeah...on a slightly seperate note, it looks to me like Toys R Us (along with similar store chains) has been dying lately. Not many commercials are aired anymore, and I rarely see any people walking into an actual store - and I work next to one...heh. I point the finger at the video game industry, noting that kids of younger and younger ages would rather coax their parents into picking up the latest Sony, MS, or Nintendo product than, say, a board game, a remote control car, or an action figure. This shows in the fact that the - male - action figure industry has pretty much died (girls still buy dolls and the like). On the other hand, there are hardly any good children's cartoons anymore, which is what most action figures used to be based on...bleh, I dunno; I just woke up.
            I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


            • #7
              Winx Club

              I do agree with you on that Lazy, sorta sad in a way, but is the way of life and how life is comming to be for children and such even us also.

              I mean sorta playing on that thing, like the way my mom and dad talked abotu toys they had as children, my mom had dolls (seems always us girls and dolls is and has always been) my dad talked about having model airplanes he would build and play with. Not those 'plastic' models, but thsoe models made from wood, those types you see in hobby shops for a few hundred dollars now, those wooden air planes that would really fly (If you invested in buying a little motor for it) Just the way life is and was as is, I cannot even imagine wooden airplanes, specialy something you had to 'build' yourself, nor alot of the doll types my mom had. I mean dolls then were not based on cartoons or such, dolls then were based on the little wife homemaker and such, no super heros for us girls for a long time there, but just was the way life was.

              These days, well we girls, though I am an old girl and maybe too old to be messing with dolls anyway, but I do not care I still lvoe them, anyway 'today' girl dolls are based on heros and such, The Winx Club, Sailor Moon, all that mess and such.

              As for 'boy' toys, you are right, I not seen alot of well much of anything as far as boys go in toys these days, seems boys are as you said indeed Lazy, more into video games, as is rather nature, gosh I remember waaay back before video games were a major staple in the toy department, but now it is.

              As is, heck 'half' the Toys R Us store here where I am half of the store is set to all video games and DVDs and such 'eletronics' such as that, the other half is well mostly seperated into bikes and outdoor things such as that, skateboards and mess like that, then a part or if 'boys toys' but not alot ofthe store is set towards that, very little in fact, the doll section and baby toys take up alot more of the remaining half then used to waay like in 1990, before video games became the 'next BIG thing'.

              Good thing for us girl's I guess, as is, there is always a Winx Club section, which I am into now, so that is good for me. As well as alot of other girls out there, as said, this Winx Club stuff is rather popular.

              Otherwise as for the thing known as a 'Toy Store' I agree with you on that Lazy (as I said to start with heh) I mean well, darn in the mall near me, Kay-Bee Toys has closed up and moved away, out of business I guess, so as far as Winx Dolls, for me and other girls, it is Toys R Us or Wal Mart now, so I agree with you, because get this, all within 100 yeards of each of them, we have well ahd two 'toy stores' one Toys R Us, one, Kay Bee til it died. no other 'toy stores' other then Wal Mart which is also in the area of 100 yards, but beyone that we have One Game Crazy, One Rhino Games, One GameStop, One Babbages (Game Stop and Babbages same company yet two different stores all in same area) and One EB Games. That is five whole differen game stores all within a very short walking distance of eachother, PLUS one Best Buy, and one Circut City, which also is 'game stores' more or elss as they have a video game section, a rather BIG one. Then after all that not even counting the 'local' game stores, those sorta 'mom and pop types, well not really thsoe types, but you know those types sorta ran and owner localy, those in the neighborhoods on back roads and streets and such, not but say at most 4 miles from the big name game stores, yet they are still there and going, around me, we have a 'Poor Boyz' (yeah it really is called that a local game store, a Buy Rite (a rip off store, local, but gahh what rip off) and another store called 'King Of games' all local stores not big business like GameStop, yet they are there, so yes indeed video games is now a HUGE staple in the world of today.

              This is good really, in it's own ways, good and bad, I mean after all, though I am abit older then the rest of you all, I am sure even you all can recall back before they even had a such thing as a 'game store' all itself. Like when the new school year was comming up, in Aug way back for me, and we'd go school clothing shopping and such, and then the malls had no Babbages no nothing related to video games, in fact for a while heck, finding a sotre with a simple NES system back then was at times a hard thing to find. (I think we special ordered my NES from a Sears special order catalog even)

              And in anycase anyway heck, where is everyone else, you people showed such promise in the Winx Club, but now, I get Lazy as the only reply, now come on, that makes me feel rather well sad kinda, as well, you know, loving something is cool and neat, but you want to share it with others, at times like this, I wish I did have a child, a daughter, I mean well, I am afraid whenever I have a child myself, afraid of those terrible 2's and such, but have to stick with it whenever I get the blessing to have myself a child and such, I mean I love children, well some of them, little girls ages 5 to 12 I love, heck, we'd be all into Winx Club mess. ahh well, maybe someday....


