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Don't F*** with angry cats

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  • Don't F*** with angry cats

    Earlier today I tried to break up a cat fight between my cat and some other cat. Well, the cat decided to come after me instead so now I got my two wrists and my leg wrapped up in guaze. The cat was pretty jumpy and at one point it was standing on it's two hind legs. I handled alot of angry cats and they usually ran off when I chased em so the attack was unforseen. I bled all the hell over and it was pretty scary at first but after I got to the hospital and got em cleaned and treated I can laugh at it now. But ya, anyway, if you all encounter angry cats make sure you have a pitche of water or a stick cause fending em off bare handed aint always so easy.

  • #2
    Don't F*** with angry cats

    If a cat is pissed off at you, stay away from it. Fighting the cat will only make it madder...


    • #3
      Don't F*** with angry cats

      Ouch, I never encountered a cat fight, Only human catfight LOL. I guess you were just trying to protect ur own cat. I think thats sweet. And you had to go thru pain. I hope it dont scar much. Anyways time will heal all wounds they say. but hopefully you dont have to encounter that again.

      Not only that you should stay away from cat battling altogether, let nature takes its course. Your cat prolly had many fights you dont know about.


      • #4
        Don't F*** with angry cats

        my cat was kind of angry all the time, so we had her declawed, but after that, she would "punch" things. she could hit really hard with her front paws. i was surprised she could still kill birds.


        • #5
          Don't F*** with angry cats

          Wow, a cat that could punch birds to death...


          • #6
            Don't F*** with angry cats

            I second that notion, wow. Cat's are pretty resourceful I guess.


            • #7
              Don't F*** with angry cats

              Yeah, sorry to hear about the cat attack...I wear monstrous work boots with steel toes, so I'd probably smash kick that bastard...heh.
              I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...


              • #8
                Here, kitty,kitty!

                I had a cat that lived outside, except that I'd let it in my basement when the weather was really cold.(I am allergic to cat hair) He was friendly, but his sole function on my property was rodent control. He lived to the age 0f 22, still very active. One day he was seen; the next day, and hereafter, he wasn't.

                I was attacked IN MY OWN YARD by a neighbor's cat; it grabbed my leg & tried to bite & claw through my jeans. My neighbor learned that a 240-lb former semipro fullback CAN break a cat's neck with his bare hands.
                I come from a smart family...In the Civil War, my great-grandpa fought for the WEST.


                • #9
                  Don't F*** with angry cats

                  Heh, a bedtime story.
                  I may be lazy, but I can...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ...

