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Richter Belmont in Ascii

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  • Richter Belmont in Ascii

    I tried out a website that allows you to convert images to ascii.

  • #2
    Richter Belmont in Ascii

    That's a good conversion. Much better than most of those things manage.


    • #3
      Richter Belmont in Ascii

      That is pretty neat, may we know where this site is please? I mean if it is a place that will take any image and 'convert' them that way, I'd be interested in it, as it does look rather neat and nice.



      • #4
        Richter Belmont in Ascii

        Yup, here is the link. I think it only uses images from your computer so you will have to download whatever pic you want to use. It also doesnt have a image save funcion. SO you will have to do a coulpe Screen captures and merge them together in a paint program. That is if you want to save a copy for yourself.


        • #5
          Richter Belmont in Ascii

          I like ascii image convertsers.

          Smash Bros Brawl friend ID: 4382-1901-2737
          Wii Friend Reg ID: 2616-5696-8840-7799


          • #6
            Richter Belmont in Ascii

            That reminded me of this thing:


            If you're using a mozilla browser, that should open no problem. Otherwise, you'll probably have to ungzip it first...


            • #7
              Richter Belmont in Ascii

              I've seen that, it's confusing to me how they got that done. I could understand if they turned that clip into ascii pics and made a gif or shockwave outta it, but it's all in its original ascii 'coz you can copy pieces of it. :?

              Good stuff.

              Wh00, Link's burnin' up the floor!

              Smash Bros Brawl friend ID: 4382-1901-2737
              Wii Friend Reg ID: 2616-5696-8840-7799


              • #8
                Richter Belmont in Ascii

                There's some kind of graphics library that can take streamed video and convert it into ascii. I've seen some demos of a game and a webcam viewer using it before. It's too bad nobody's come up with a windows prog to do that with...

