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Goodwill Stores Have A Message: Please Stop Donating Trash

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  • Goodwill Stores Have A Message: Please Stop Donating Trash

    Across the country, thrift stores have been flooded by household items, the offerings of people who have been homebound for months and are eager to clear out some of their possessions.

    In this undated photo provided by Goodwill Northern New England, a donation attendant working for Goodwill Northern New England at the Westbrook, Maine, store looks at a broken picture frame and a broken cat scratching post. Experts note the coronavirus pandemic has encouraged many to clean their homes and get rid of stuff they don't want. And during the past year, several Goodwill agencies say they've seen an increase in unwanted donations, and in turn, their trash bills. (Heather Steeves/Goodwill Northern New England via AP)
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