i'm just wondering how many old timers are still gaming. I'm 58 years old (and the oldest ones playing in mmo's) and for me it started with a simple AudioSonic Pong game that came with a pistol in 1977 that I had to hook up to our TV. I upgraded to a Colecovision (Donkey Kong, LadyBug), ZX Spectrum (Tirnanog, Lords of Midnight), Atari ST (Dungeon Master), Amiga, PC (WoW, LotRO, Conan, Warhammer) & Mac (WoW, GW2 & ESO). If course my skills degraded and so did my gaming times. I don't have a gaming setup, but a 8 year old iMac. Unfortunately no English speaking gaming or mac friends here in Southeast Asia, where I moved to 10 years ago.
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