Steve Wilkos just confessed to TMZ, he lied when he told us the horrific car crash in which he was involved last month was the result of him being distracted as he reached for his glasses...he was actually under the influence of alcohol.
We've learned the talk show host was charged Wednesday with DUI in the single-car crash in Darien, Conn.
Car flips on West Avenue after striking poles and tree Sunday, driver transported to hospital https://t.co/AN1ioDCvAu pic.twitter.com/bdeUJ78Ts1
— The Darien Times (@DarienTimes) January 21, 2018
— The Darien Times (@DarienTimes) January 21, 2018
Wilkos tells TMZ, "Over the course of my life, I have been struggling with bouts of depression and on the day of my accident, I had a complete lapse in judgment which resulted in me drinking and getting behind the wheel of my car."
He went on ... "This experience reinforces my commitment to get the professional help that I need and I have recently completed an intensive medically supervised program" ... translation, rehab.