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Couple claims to have lived for 9 years without food
Castello and Ricardo — who have a 5-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter together — have survived on little else besides a piece of fruit or vegetable broth just three times per week since 2008.Last edited by bungholio; 06-16-2017, 03:24:55 PM.
Chances are they're under-reporting too, like 400 pounders who plan their own diets. "I don't get it, I only eat salads two meals a day, and breakfast is just bacon, eggs, oatmeal and hashbrowns, but it all comes in at about 1900 calories for the day." Then you watch them and they also have about 10 cans of soda, two lattes, and a quart of flavored milk throughout the day, and a can of Boost or half a bag of nuts to take the edge off their hunger around 2 P.M.