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Ever wanted to live in 2 nations at once? Here's your chance

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  • Ever wanted to live in 2 nations at once? Here's your chance

    For sale: A 1782 fixer upper with thick granite walls, 1950's decor, and armed 24 hour security provided by both Canada and the United States of America.

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    In this photo taken on June 8th, 2017 in Derby, VT, Brian and Joan Dumoulin pose on both sides of a marker showing the U.S.- Canadian border in the front yard of their home.

    She is in Canada, while he is in the United States.

    Straddling the border between the Derby neighborhood of Beebe Plain, VT., and Stanstead, Quebec, has made their house more difficult to sell. (AP Photo/Wilson Ring)
    The Hackmaster

  • #2
    If the armed border agents and high repair costs don’t sound appealing, there are easier ways to experience the peculiar feeling of being in two places at once, including the Four Corners monument between Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona and a restaurant that straddles the Dutch-Belgian border.
    The Hackmaster


    • #3
      How about a place where you can be on two CONTINENTS at once? There's someplace in Turkey where you can do that. Have one foot in Europe, and the other in Asia.
      Tempus fugit, ergo, carpe diem.

      Time flies, therefore, seize the day.


      • #4
        Istanbul Turkey
        The Hackmaster

