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PSX emu's?

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  • #16
    PSX emu's?

    Digging around epsxe's forums, somebody did mention that the only way to exit the program was to select the exit option from the file menu. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a plugin problem... None of the plugins I've been using have problems on 1.5.2, but there could've been some incompatibility in the newer version.

    Now I've got that pile of plugins. It's too bad this graphics card on here doesn't support OGL2.


    • #17
      PSX emu's?

      Another way to exit the program would be to open the windows task manager, Just press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Then you can end it under the application or processes tabs.


      • #18
        PSX emu's?

        Actually, that doesn't work. When it has the not-closing problem, the only way to stop the thing from running is to cycle the power... Which is probably mostly windows' fault...


        • #19
          PSX emu's?

          PSXeven runs quite well for me, ePSXe meanwhile is marginal at best, skips frames even though someone I know walked me through it, has no music for Gradius titles, and is downright slow.

          PSXeven on the other hand runs silky smooth without all the plugins, just get the bios and the controller plugin. PSXeven .19 already comes with a CD plug-in unlike older versions so it saves a little time.

          The greatest space fighter ever made, the Vic Viper.


          • #20
            PSX emu's?

            The only real problem with PSXeven, is that it can't emulate certain effects, and has serious timing issues with some games. For example, Tactics Ogre is completely useless emulated due to going somewhat high speed and ignoring controller input.


            • #21
              PSX emu's?

              I've emailed Xeven about the Parodius games before (mainly Jikkyou which won't boot) he said eventually those in time would work. Time will tell if he's correct or not.

              And as for controller output, I've several PSX games burned as well as owning quite a few PSX titles, no controller issues ever encountered.

              The greatest space fighter ever made, the Vic Viper.


              • #22
                PSX emu's?

                After some testing, it would seem that ePSXe is pretty well useless, as at lwast 1.5.2 is slower than PSXeven (0.1.9), and has the same graphical effect emulation problems... Which means it's probably the GPU plugin...

                Interesting thing is, it's possible to trick PSXeven into booting the bios, and running a game from it...


                • #23

                  Hehe, ePSXe can go into the bios as well, dunno if you can boot a game from it or not, I supposed all you'd have to do is go back into the gui and click "change disc".

                  I was just messing with my friend's epsxe settings to get that universal greatness going for all games I have available to me, and I found a few good settings.

                  P.E.Op.S. CDR Driver 1.4

                  Interface: W2K/XP - IOCTL scsi commands
                  Read Mode: BE_2(ATAPI SPEC 2)
                  Caching mode: Async read - faster, additional asynchronous reads

                  That caching mode setting is the one I found to be very cool, it sped up Rival Schools 2 very nicely, even the menus and menu music run perfectly.

                  For Video settings I use
                  Pete's OpenGL2 Driver 2.6

                  Window mode 640x480
                  Under "Default Settings", press the "Nice" button.
                  AFTER pressing the "nice" button, also check off the box that says "Use pixel shader for 'PSX texture window' emulation".

                  For sound settings I use
                  P.E.Op.S. DSound Audio Driver 1.9
                  mode: high compatibility mode
                  Volume: Medium
                  Reverb: PSX reverb (best quality)
                  Interpolation: None (Fastest)
                  Enable XA Playing
                  Change XA speed, if it is played too fast

                  That is all. Oh, and remember on the "select sound plugin" screen, to check off all boxes except "Enable SPU IRQ hack", unless you really want to enable that, I haven't really needed to so far.

                  This results in perfect emulation of Rival Schools 2, the game I use most for testing best psx emulation settings aside from Dragon Quest 4.
                  I will test on more games, just felt like posting that before I forgot to.

                  Jumping Flash 3: Robbit Mon Dieu
                  In-game runs perfect, except you can't see your hud character, which is no big deal. On the map, no matter what video plugin you use, you can't see destination points or your character icon on the screen, this is an emulation problem, not video plugin problem.
                  A bit of the text, mainly the level's goal description, is dark, but that doesn't matter as it is in Japanese anyway.

                  Elemental Gearbolt=Perfect

                  Tales of Destiny=Perfect

                  Chrono Trigger=Perfect+less loading time than on an actual psx.

                  Policenauts=As perfect as a point and click game can get

                  Castlevania SOTN=Perfect, /me loves!

                  Megaman 8= Even the menus run perfect, which was a difficulty before.

                  Ace Combat 3=Everything looks good, probably perfect.

                  And lastly, Megaman Legends 2 runs perfect even in big areas with snow where it'd normally lag. Sound in cutscenes isn't off sync like I used to see.

                  I tested with the SCPH1001 and SCPH101 bios images. (scph101 is PSOne)

                  Smash Bros Brawl friend ID: 4382-1901-2737
                  Wii Friend Reg ID: 2616-5696-8840-7799


                  • #24
                    PSX emu's?

                    Hmm... You've got a copy of Policenauts?

                    Heh, I usually use the DTL-3002 bios... And after taking a look around, it seems that's pretty much the same as the PSOne bios, except in PAL. I'm going to end up using that one now...

                    Some games do benefit from using interpolation on the SPU plugin, and I usually leave it on as it makes no noticable difference in speed.


                    • #25
                      PSX emu's?

                      I did notice that the 'dying' sound effect from enemies in chrono trigger was very quiet without interpolation. I only turned it off 'coz I was testing all sorts of things.

                      Hehe, about policenauts.. I only have the first disc.
                      Speaking of the game though, I noticed in one of the opening vids, you can see a bar or something called the "Solid Snake". Also the short tune played in the beginning of MGS1 is taken from this game, and is in the video.

                      Smash Bros Brawl friend ID: 4382-1901-2737
                      Wii Friend Reg ID: 2616-5696-8840-7799


                      • #26
                        PSX emu's?

                        Supposedly, Meryl from MGS goes into that bar. Ah, that's one more disc of that game than I have. It's amazing how hard it is to find anywhere.


                        • #27
                          PSX emu's?

                          haha, I was wondering if that was her, I ripped some of the TIM files from the game, (there are only 7 ), and meryl was on one of the loading screens it looked like.

                          *Few days later*

                          Hey, I'm back at my place and I was testing my epsxe settings on my bro's comp, and noticed I forgot to add something to the video settings:

                          framebuffer effects: Standard - Emulates frame textures and buffer moves/reads

                          When you set the button "nice", it chooses the one that says at the end "causes overall slowdown". Just need to move it to standard after pressing that nice button. I noticed with it on the 3rd choice, the game "Tomba!" ran unbearably slow.

                          Smash Bros Brawl friend ID: 4382-1901-2737
                          Wii Friend Reg ID: 2616-5696-8840-7799

