Ok, so by sheer accident I have a Demi Fiend who is doing 300k per attack, with his standard physical attack.
Maxing stats via incense doesn't hits a sound that they cannot be used more, feeding uber!Pixie about 50 of a few incenses is now making her do 13k damage with her physical.
Here is what I need someone to do. use the All items cheat from here if you happen to own a turbo controller, or PCSX2 has a turbo option, play until the conception. Go to the save point and save. If possible make note of the pre boost stats and search for the specific stat in the memory of the game. Adjust the turbo mode and make sure the code of all items is off, the idea is to spend the 99 items in sets until you get that you can't boost anymore.
If the memory kept track of the boosts, I'd like to know how high they got.
Maxing stats via incense doesn't hits a sound that they cannot be used more, feeding uber!Pixie about 50 of a few incenses is now making her do 13k damage with her physical.
Here is what I need someone to do. use the All items cheat from here if you happen to own a turbo controller, or PCSX2 has a turbo option, play until the conception. Go to the save point and save. If possible make note of the pre boost stats and search for the specific stat in the memory of the game. Adjust the turbo mode and make sure the code of all items is off, the idea is to spend the 99 items in sets until you get that you can't boost anymore.
If the memory kept track of the boosts, I'd like to know how high they got.