You might be a radical Moslem if:
Your man-cave is really a cave.
You have more diapers on yer head than on yer baby
You think vests come in only two styles-bullet-proof & suicide.
You believe a virgin is an ugly 3rd-grader with no bros. or uncles.
You think "deodorant" is a city in Yemen.
You drink, bathe, wash clothes, swim, & bathroom in the same body of water.
Your Bingo numbers are B-52, F-18, B-1
Your kids' fave TV character is Dora the Exploder.
You don't go out drinking cuz you can get bombed at home.
Your doorbell goes "Ramalamadingdong".
There was lotsa food at yer wedding to keep the flies off the bride.
You refine heroin for a living, but you morally object to liquor.
You don't like balloons cuz they won't blow themselves up.
You know yer son is angry cuz he was playing with yer bomb & went thru the roof.
Your daughter took a drink of beer in public & got stoned.
Your son died trying to prove the Big Bang theory at his daycare center.
Your uncle played Russian Roulette with an autoloader.
Your man-cave is really a cave.
You have more diapers on yer head than on yer baby
You think vests come in only two styles-bullet-proof & suicide.
You believe a virgin is an ugly 3rd-grader with no bros. or uncles.
You think "deodorant" is a city in Yemen.
You drink, bathe, wash clothes, swim, & bathroom in the same body of water.
Your Bingo numbers are B-52, F-18, B-1
Your kids' fave TV character is Dora the Exploder.
You don't go out drinking cuz you can get bombed at home.
Your doorbell goes "Ramalamadingdong".
There was lotsa food at yer wedding to keep the flies off the bride.
You refine heroin for a living, but you morally object to liquor.
You don't like balloons cuz they won't blow themselves up.
You know yer son is angry cuz he was playing with yer bomb & went thru the roof.
Your daughter took a drink of beer in public & got stoned.
Your son died trying to prove the Big Bang theory at his daycare center.
Your uncle played Russian Roulette with an autoloader.