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UnderWorld:Evolution (and other 'late' new releases DVD)

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  • UnderWorld:Evolution (and other 'late' new releases DVD)

    ehhh well it is Friday, should have posted this mess Tuesday the release and purchase days but time was busy with a few other things and such.

    Anyway well hey UnderWorld:Evolution is rather cool and 'new'. Some watched it at the movies months ago like myself, but to have it on DVD is nice as well, plus for sure it is interesting to a host of us here, and a great movie so for sure we all know it is out now.

    The only BAD thing about UnderWorld is well ofcorse like the first movie after a while they will come out with the 2 disc SPECIAL unrated edition...and heck will have to go and grab that as well, just as I did with the first one---ehh life.

    Other interesting and nice releases and my own recent purchases this week DVD wise (adult and porn 'excluded' for the kiddies heh :P : )

    NCIS (That Tuesday night 'crime' show) , with Mark Hamil as it is best know as Season 1 came out this past Tues, and I liked that show so had to grab it.

    Fried Green Tomatoes (a NEW versions came out and was neat and ratehr cheap for a new DVD so had to grab that one as well.

    A NEW version of The Garfield Movie came out as well, and also had to grab that, movie of the cartoon is not all 'great' but still, it is okay and a new version so have to keep up to date though I had it when it first came out as well.

    He-Man Season 2 Vol 1 came out also Tues and loving He-Man and She-Ra also had to grab that set.

    Charmed Season 5th season---ehh this will be a loooooong one to finish heck that show has been going for a long long time now, and they just finished the final final this past year.... well we are about half way through with it now...still alot longer then other TV show series.

    Natalie Portman Collection---YES she has a DVD collection of some of her movies, Thank You GOD none of these are the Star Wars mess...again okay movies, but after all the Star Wars mess in the world, I am about sick of Star Wars (and guess what so is she, Natalie, or so she claimed in an interview) Anyway pretty decent to have some NON-Star Wars mess Portman movies again.

    Sarah Silverman: Jesus is Magic One simple word FUNNY and yes all in a good way too, but she is funny and very nice looking to.

    Silent Hill Experience This is a UMD, PSP thing, but is kind of like a DVD or Game release, though it is not a game, still pretty good til the PSP Silent Hill game a somewhat 'remake' comes out and also good til the Silent Hill movie hits in July (yes July)

    That is it as far as what I grabbed.... there is and was alot more, ALOT more that came out, heck ALOT of stuff comes out each and every Tuesday, sometimes, alot of times even mess they never even tell you about (why it pays to look around each Tuesday I find)

    There is still great stuff on the way, heck I cannot wait til the 27th for UltraViolent which will come out this month as well...and again each Tuesday and such, again alot comes out each week, and I miss most times unless it is soemthing really special I need to scream about, I go out and grab something each Tuesday, each game and DVD release day, but with a busy busy life heck I miss some reports on them all each week, besides that would be abit much. (I should just make a list od DVD and such I own, but that would take a few years to type otherwise also...blah....)


  • #2
    Re: UnderWorld:Evolution (and other 'late' new releases DVD)

    I didn't really watch Underworld, but I heard it's good so it's good to see it got a good sequel. But for me I find it most noteworthy cause it contains that girl from Van Helsing. That cool Castlevania like movie with Hugh Jackman.


    • #3
      Re: UnderWorld:Evolution (and other 'late' new releases DVD)

      Yes, Van Helsing is a GREAT Movie.... in fact so much, goodness too bad there was not a tie in with the UnderWorld movie and such....yeah the same actress (Kate Beckensal) is a 'vampire' on Underworld and 'not so' on Van Helsing...but still would have been cool if they had it tie in somehow and such.

      Vampires, and the whole Castlevania theme is getting and has gottened rather popular these days, past and present. Let me see, UnderWorld, BloodRayne, UltraViolent, Van Helsing, all moves based on vampires (Buffy The Vampire Slayer 'series' as well) Just seems for the recent years or so, specialy the start of this year, Vampires are big news....all those movies this year 2006, BloodRayne, UnderWorld 2 (Evolution) and UltraViolent...and even so, Van Helsing is not old at all either.

      Also rather enat is the 'comic' styles of each one as well, UltraViolent is based on a comic book Vampire LMZ likes alot, so is BloodRayne, started as a game, but she has a comic book line now, and heck even UnderWorld also has comics now, one came with each of the DVD movies. (The Special editions anyway)



      • #4
        Re: UnderWorld:Evolution (and other 'late' new releases DVD)

        Yes it was cool,just watched it. It has more action to it.

