Shit Out Of Luck & Jolly Well Fucked ....heh That George Carlin guy is funny.
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Sad time well, kind of.... WHY is some TV shows, always classic I LOVE them even if I never have yet other then when they were ON TV got to watch every DVD and every DVD collection I own now, but always wanting more.... why are some shows ON DVD sets and others seem so far off....
I mean well 'Wings' just hit DVD, a great and wonderful show as they all are, Gimme A Break also hit a while back, also very has The Golden Girls, and yeah maybe an older person's show, but I loved watching it when it came out and even til this day, but well where is Empty Nest? (a small spin off of that Golden Girls show)
Most shows, well the GOOD ones are spin offs, we all know TV these days SUCK, heck that is why I get all these DVD sets, screw the suvivor of American idol kids hanging by their penises, this shit sucks, real TV has long been gone, well nto gone but most of it placed on DVD.
All good stuff as I said is a spin off....'Cheers' made Wings and Frasier, Differ't Strokes made The Facts Of Life and even Gimme' A Break (long shot but yes it is a spin off even if not clearly seens) Heck All In The Family (incest jokes HERE) produced the Jefferson's.
So where is all the DVD sets.... Empty Nest is missed by me anyway, heck and also some movies, screw Star Wars done over for the millionth time, yeah a good movie, but geez...some people need a small more bit of culture in their lives (REAL culture not made up ewoks bull shit furry animal mess) :P How about some more missed older romance movies, Return To Two Moon Junction.
hmmm it is just 'odd' what is released alot these days and what is not....
Okay, NOW being they have ALL the Star Wars movies out (and heck, hey it was not menat to end with #6 even, 'some' of you so-called ape shit Star Wars Fans should know.---the REAL story was supposed to end after Luke, yes Luke goes to the darkside.)
Anyway sense old fart will be dead and feeding the worms rather soon, odd to see that hell, the Star Wars 'six pack' is not even being talked about yet. Simply 'where' is it? Yes Star Wars is a good moie set, not sure why they have to make the originals all over as I have been saying, hell, if you done right the first time, and got the specil DVDs (which are rare now anyway, there is an option to turn OFF the extras added) and again what idiot would want a DVD set anyway they took stuff out of, the point of DVDs and blue rays and all that mess is to get more on the DVDs, to get more bang for your buck, some people just seem to be going backwards---but to some that is understandible, as they saying goes, sadly alot of people these days, the younger they are the more stupid they are, and it seems the Star Wars movies were a huge cut off date for some in the world. Cannot remember it at the movie house---lame.
So anyway all the silver and gold Stars Wars DVD collections really do not look in place next to the other lone DVDs of the other movies. (Well the #1 and #2 Stars Wars movies sucked ass anyway, but ehh #3 was pretty promising, and still a wonder why they are not now all packed into a pack, just to make the stuff look more uniform.
What is wrong with old George Lucas? Is he that dead already???? I mean well HELL, even porno movies have a uniform look, you can buy Lesbians fantasies #1 to #200 the whole series and it all comes with the first bought one a box you can set them all in---not all 200 maybe like 20 each but still, ehck even porno looks better uniformed then Star Wars these days, what the heck is going on?
ehhh well all the more about Star Wars.... a little info.
For those who care, maybe you all should really just sale off your older Star Wars DVDs 'now'.... I mean well you have a while yet to sit their on your asses, but still, geez Sept. 12th 2006 they ALL come out...well #4 (Star Wars The New Hope does) You can grab the whole set then also...all of them, for a mere $566 .62 and yeah that is a 'sale price' still add in shipping, but hey any TRUE Star Wars fan. (That sale price is a good $200 and some off the original price, so hey hey.) It is all good, sell your children and sell your blood even to grab this hehe
Not sure the link will work exactly, sense it is showing my own account there and what I order from them each day, but well can try.
Anyway I was saying err yeah sale off all your Star Wars DVDs now simply because all on Sept 12th 2006 the whole mess comes out again, ALL of it, meaning you buy a lone #4 A New Hope you get two DVDs, one with the original movie no extras added and the one with the extras, plus yes all the extras everyone loves from each DVD also.
So still some time to sit on your asses, but hey hey, it is comming, and no lose out this time, so sale all your old mess, some of you all, I would suspect would need to rasie some funds somehow to grab this, after all, must pay for the funeral for old George whenever he goes and kicks the bucket.
heh, I agree that is an insane price, with that CD Universe palce, I do honestly, would expect it to be lowered after awhile (once the 'new' wears off) as is, heck the 'new' has worn off of anything Star Wars for a few million years now.
Also, it did not give many details of the set as of yet, also soemthing that takes time, as is heck Sepember is a whole 'season' away... a good while to come.
And what I mean with the set and it's lack of details, and iffy price otherwise, well it is not said weather it is blu-ray or not (which costs 'more' so maybe it is, but will have to wait for time to see, and otherwise, any one Star Wars DVD non-Blu-Ray right now is still kind of pricey for such older movies. (On that CD Universe place, it is like 'City Of Angels' a great movie I love it like $8.09 and Return Of The Jedi is like $20.95...not exactly cheap as far as older DVD movies go. (Star Wars is so old they all should be like two dollars now)
Now take that above, the Star Wars movie being $20.95 at CD Universe ($28.95 at Wal-Mart and Best Buy places) and add in they are throwing in two movies, the originals and the special ones, so that is pretty much two movies, meaning the price times two.
Next add in the effects and math of these movies times three for the 'original 4 to 6 trilogy' and then the other three 'first movies'. That is like $20.95 (or Wal-Mart ripp off price of $28.95) times six for just the original and special effects original 4 to 6 ones, plus three more the first three movies, and then, heck they even want to add and take away mess and add new scenes that were cut and all to those.
All in all, that is a good 12 DVDs (blu-ray or not unknown as of yet, maybe so?) and the price of each one being seperatly something around the area of $20.95 to $28.95...that is still around the price of $240.00.... and yes seems still kind of costly, but well we know Old Gearge, sorry to say, but he is a money grubber, so I kind of would expect him to throw out a collector's box or some mess to make the 'fans' happy and spend everything they own to get soem type of special box and mess.
As is, I did kind of say already ummm somewhere that the whole Stars Wars mess should be over, yes good movies, the Trilogy is great and #3 is great, #1 and #2 well sucks ass but ehh but even I said soemwhere that the Trilogy box set of Silver and Gold (wide screen and full screen) looks 'pitiful' next to the off beat 1,2, and 3...they do not even go along with each other making a picture as alot of other series do, so I said where is the whole Star Wars thing at, and I guess it is comming, sure it is a money grubbing thing, but heh so is everything in life. (or entertainment wise that is.... never a #2 unless the #1 did good and the makers want more money, never a second season to TV shows unless the first did good and again the 'makers' want more money.
Sometimes some mess is just gone over board, like the Star Wars mess, yes most of it is good, 4 out of six movies, but still.... with all this rehash of Star Wars each time, goodness, looks like even George could have paid off Protman and even the original Actors,a few billion doallars ago. Just count in the number of fans and just how many people will buy this $500.00 plus DVD collection in September. (a set that is marked down from $800.00 plus as I said) for sure heck George may not even die, he may have enough money to have his ass frozen over til his 'Star Wars becomes 'real' in fact. It only costs I saw and ehard some 1.2 million dollars a day to remain frozen and safe in a block of dry life preserving ice.... heck George could afford that for a few million years.(The only problem after they woke him up, he'd have to go work at Darth Vader's Cyber McDonald's to make a new living in his new world he so loves.
ehh otherwise, I started most of this mess ebcause I was bored last night and got plenty of gamming to do, but nothing was hitting me as being a good time for. So I started with some funny silly mess, then bordon lead to looking at Star Wars mess and checking my accoutns on my orders and ehh well...bordom in life is sometimes good, not always, but sometimes.