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ID:	163768
Yes I do. I also remember when the tools to make my own levels, code my enemies/weapons/entire game, create and animate my own 3D objects, and most things were free. I know game devs can usually use all of the money they get and that's why I never got to see user modding on PS3 or Xbox 360 games so people buy the DLC rather than play the 1000 free things other users have made, but it's getting old. Why not just skip the OMFG and anger you'd endlessly get by charging $100 a game and just let us create things and share them how we want and we can escape from this BS? We might get some little things for some games, like making things for Little Big Planet, making missions/levels for inFamous 2 or Disgaea 4, or some other very rare few that allow things, but these are so little they seem like nothing to me. Why do I need CFW to make most mods work for Elder Scrolls & Fallout games? Why can't I pick from 1000 different levels and other random things in Left 4 Dead 1 & 2? There's a lot of Doom 3 stuff. I hate this. PC users get most of the fun. A good $5000 computer is a lot of money. That could take over a year to save up for. There's so much fun we don't get to experience. Oh joy, I get a game of the year edition still loaded with game breaking bugs and 3 nice mods, but there's more than 1000+ things to pick from on the pc. The only thing consoles have luring people in is the price tag. These console games rarely have anything to unlock on them and almost no mods, just lame trophies of "You beat level 1". Yeah, I noticed I did, I feel very special knowing that I can beat level 1. The only person that couldn't do it is somebody that is blind, and I don't know how they would get a console and a game and play it to begin with. I hope a day comes where consoles vanish, the stingy turds with their very little to offer. All I see any more is just more and more FPS games focusing on the online part. Mods are usually for single player. Single player is my thing. I'm interested in different stories and varied gameplay. I wish pc components weren't the prices they are. A CPU alone can cost more than 3 new PS4s depending on what you go for. GPUs are crazy too. A PC feels like freedom allowing you to do whatever you want with most games, and a console feels like a prison only giving you the option of DLC and you can almost never create something of your choice or play something somebody else made.