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Compile your legally bought NPDRM PSN games

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  • Compile your legally bought NPDRM PSN games

    By Tranced
    Published on 10-12-2011 10:40 A.M.

    PS3HAX member mallory has released a set of tools to compile your legally bought PSN content (NPDRM games). What this tool allows you to do is reactivate your PSN titles without actually having to sign in to PlayStation Network.

    Here is v2. Now unself2 and readself2 have the NPDRM magic too. Trying to use unself2 on one of my game stops with an unknown section type error. That section is of type 3 and it looks like it is some kind if linking info. Look in the read me for more information.
    Quote from the read me file.

    Based off of gitbrew’s 215d8903bc86539ca1da53519e2ac10eeafc4c27
    ps3tools. .git folder not included to protect sensitive info about the author.
    Sorry about the fucked up tabs, TAB = 4 SPACES 4 LYFE!!!

    Add the files in the npdrm_keystuff folder to your ps3 keys folder. Create a
    file with your console’s 16 byte IDPS in the ‘idps’ file in your ps3 keys
    folder (e.g. ~/.ps3/idps).

    Copy your PS3′s exdata folder containing your act.dat and rif files to your
    ps3 keys dir (e.g. ~/.ps3/exdata/act.dat). Compile and have fun with your
    LEGALLY purchased NPDRM games!

    Also works on free games without exdata/idps.

    Apologies for any existing bugs in unself. Adding these changes to
    unself2 is left as an exercise for the reader.

    v2 info:
    Added npdrm magic to unself2 and readself2
    unself2 doesn’t like the meta data section with type 3 in my game.
    This section looks to be some kind of linking information. Here is a snippet:
    crt0190002crt1190002libaudio_stub190002libaudio_st ub190002

    I haven’t yet looked around to see if this is type of section is documented anywhere.

    fail0verflow for the original tools
    JuanNadie for figuring out NPDRM
    euss for his endless hours of work on the wiki

    Why didn’t you beat me to the punch, Team PS360? I didn’t need to reverse a
    single instruction! It isn’t that hard.
    Source: PS3 Hax

    Mallory UPDATE:

    unself2 now ignores meta data sections of type 3 instead of aborting. Additional help with any remaining bugs would be greatly appreciated.

    I’m sorry if everyone got the impression that these unself/readself modifications can, by themselves, “reactivate” your NPDRM content. These are just the first steps in the process. To those who say this is useless because you need act.dat and rif files: unless you can get unencrypted (debug) or easily decrypted (free, demos) PSN content, the only way to get the unencrypted files is by decrypting it with act.dat and the content’s rif file. There are no “crypto fails” here, proper decryption with the true keys is the only way forward.

    Using the NPDRM algo with the right keys is the only way to decrypt unless you let GameOS do it for you and hook into GameOS to either grab intermediate keys or dump decrypted content. Using hacks to restore the NPDRM decryption info to jailbroken PS3s is only a partial fix. For instance, unless you patch vsh or set the SRTC to some time in the past, some content (even non-demos and non-trials!) expires until you log into PSN and re-authenticate.

    Sorry about your “technical difficulties”, Team PS360. You should L2IRC.

    Source/Download: PS3Hax

    Thanks to psx-scene moderator TitanTX for the news submission.
    The Hackmaster