By Ben Boldt
Set of JavaScript encoder/decoder functions for the Game Genie game enhancers.
Written because I spent many years searching fruitlessly for someting simple to
use and universally portable (without having to download, compile, or install).
* Yes, strings are inefficient. This was mostly an attempt to understand the
annoying bit operations (rotation, shifting, XOR, NOT) that Codemasters used
to obfuscate the codes. Also, as JavaScript does not support 40 bit integers
for bitwise operators (which are needed for 4 of the 5 game genies), this was
far easier for me. See for bitwise
* The NES Game Genie only addresses 15 bits of ROM space (0000-7FFF = RAM, 8000-
FFFF = ROM) but as one bit is used for code length this is auto-corrected when
decoding. Trying to generate a Game Genie code outside this range will simply
* The Game Boy Game Genie doesn't write above 7FFF, and the Game Gear Game
Genie doen't write above BFFF. Addresses are stored with full 16 bits and this
is NOT auto-corrected, so be aware the codes may have no affect on the actual
hardware (but some emulators may write them to RAM correctly).
* I am unclear as to the limits of the Game Genie and Pro Action Replay on the
16 bit systems. Meh, whatever.
* Encoders return strings, decoders return associative arrays (objects) with
x.address, x.value, and x.key.
With thanks to the following resources (and others) for specs (but not code):
To do:
* fixGGGB() function? meh, someone can just run it through decode/encode to fix
* detect <enter> keystroke in input type="text" and click button thingy
* query string operation?
JavaScript Game Genie Encoders/Decoders
Set of JavaScript encoder/decoder functions for the Game Genie game enhancers.
Written because I spent many years searching fruitlessly for someting simple to
use and universally portable (without having to download, compile, or install).
* Yes, strings are inefficient. This was mostly an attempt to understand the
annoying bit operations (rotation, shifting, XOR, NOT) that Codemasters used
to obfuscate the codes. Also, as JavaScript does not support 40 bit integers
for bitwise operators (which are needed for 4 of the 5 game genies), this was
far easier for me. See for bitwise
* The NES Game Genie only addresses 15 bits of ROM space (0000-7FFF = RAM, 8000-
FFFF = ROM) but as one bit is used for code length this is auto-corrected when
decoding. Trying to generate a Game Genie code outside this range will simply
* The Game Boy Game Genie doesn't write above 7FFF, and the Game Gear Game
Genie doen't write above BFFF. Addresses are stored with full 16 bits and this
is NOT auto-corrected, so be aware the codes may have no affect on the actual
hardware (but some emulators may write them to RAM correctly).
* I am unclear as to the limits of the Game Genie and Pro Action Replay on the
16 bit systems. Meh, whatever.
* Encoders return strings, decoders return associative arrays (objects) with
x.address, x.value, and x.key.
With thanks to the following resources (and others) for specs (but not code):
To do:
* fixGGGB() function? meh, someone can just run it through decode/encode to fix
* detect <enter> keystroke in input type="text" and click button thingy
* query string operation?
JavaScript Game Genie Encoders/Decoders