Support for all PSX Emu's with PSEmu Pro Plugin support.
Like ePSXe, PSEmu Pro, AdriPSX, PSinex, PCSX, FPSE.
Support for Bleem!
Version 1.0 - 1.5b
Support for Connectix Virtual Game Station
Version 1.3, 1.4, 1.41
A cheat database, with GameShark codes for over 1800 games.
More than 70,000 pre-entered cheat codes.
Support for all Action Replay/GameShark/GameBuster v2.2 code types and the most v2.41/v3 codes.
Supported code types : 80, 30, 10, 11, 20, 21, 50, D0, D1, D2, D3, E0, E1, E2, E3, C0, C1, C2
Built-in cheat hacking unit.
The plugin includes a engine called [pec]chu, which allows you to search for your own cheats, like you can do it with a GSPro or Caetla module, just faster and easier. :-)
Support for 'Quantity Digits to accompany'
Support for Joker Commands and Reverse Joker Commands
A user database system
To simply add your own codes.
To enable/disable the execution of the codes while playing, to execute the codes only once, and to do many other cool things.
It's 100% free.
For sure, you can always pay for it, if you like. :-)
High-optimized Delphi and 32-bit-Assember code
For fast handling and execution of the codes.
Compatible to all 32-bit Windows-versions.
Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000 and XP.
And many more
For a more detailed list of the features read the readme.txt which is included in all [pec]-zip-archives.